It just occurred to me that they say non-witness kids are going to die at Armageddon, but abortion is wrong because Jah knows us before we are born. isn't this contradicting itself on the sanctity of life and how Jah views us as individual and precious right from the beginning?
sanctity of life
by lovelylissa 7 Replies latest watchtower bible
To make the Watchtower stance even more illogical, an abortion is considered murder even though an aborted or stillborn child is not in line for a resurrection.
w69 4/1 pp. 223-224 Furthermore, resurrection is for persons who have lived as individuals before Jehovah. Even a child who lives for only a short time after birth has existed as a separate person. But a miscarried fetus or stillborn child, though from a Biblical standpoint considered a “soul” while it was developing, never actually lived as a separate and distinct individual. So it would appear that such situations do not fall under the resurrection provision outlined in the Bible.
What is more interesting is that some human communities have lived the past few thousand years without any knowledge of Judaism or Christianity. Absolute zero for thousands of years! When was this good news preached in all the inhabited Earth? When was everyone equal before God? Is Satan so powerful as to command large numbers from being influenced in any way by Gods only messengers? If God really is in charge then each of us already have whatever is necessary to live life as a human on His Earth IMHO. It is already given to us to treat others as you would like them to treat you. Just be careful of reaction and revenge - it makes you exactly like what it is that you despise in others - a hurter of people. If I went out to avenge myself I truly would have it in for certain ones. But I sit on the pain and let it weaken me till I am nothing! The world is littered with long sequences of revenge for revenge for revenge - you hit me I hit you you hit me I ruin you you get someone to ruin me stories. Humanity does this in its own weakness though some call it strength and evolution and so the cycle continues because it seems that she or he who is holding the revenge in their hearts has all the power and authority! It is a puzzle of humanity I cannot even see the solution to.
Why do they say stupid things like that? I bet that hurt a lot of people's feelings who've had deaths in their famlies like the ones mentioned. They're such asses, they can't know that stillborns won't be resurected...
I remember asking this question about stillborns a few years ago when I was still active. My mother in law at the time said it was because the still born was not a "Breather" i.e. not taken the breath of life apparently that's what the hebrew word for soul really means.
The answer then did not satisfy me as we all know the witness stance on abortion and the way they feel the unborn is a life. So I asked Why is the stillborn not a life?
My personal belief is that one life is important so much so I cannot understand the Glee that the dub's feel towards the big "A" and the billions expected to die then..
James Free
When 'Jehovah' respects the sanctity of life and does something about the diseases HE made that kill millions each year he will be in a position to judge his creation.
.....the resurrection provisionoutlined in the Bible.
This is some scary, Ghost Buster Bullshit here if I ever seen any.
Where do they come up with such leanings?
This is what I love about the Society, putting themselves either in between God and man, or in God's seat altogether. I am realizing more every day that the only ones that know what happens after we die are those that have died. While I would love for the chance to get to know the little "souls" that I've lost, I don't know that it would even happen or where.
Just one more example of the Society picking apart God's Word, like the Pharisees in my opinion.