Does this make since ....

by 2112 1 Replies latest social family

  • 2112

    Since JW's can not even step one foot inside a church, temple or what have you, because just going inside is a act of worship. Then how can they go inside a hospital or medical facility that is owned and operated be another religion. EspeciaIly if the hospital has a chapel. I am not saying that they should not seek medical care, however I know of a few JW's who were told they had to quit their jobs because their employers we affiliated with another religion.

  • Gopher

    I'll try to help.

    First the premise "JW's cannot step inside a church, it's worship" isn't exactly right. From what I saw, JW's were strongly discouraged from ever going inside a church. I saw a couple different churches as a tourist (while I was JW) and didn't feel I was worshipping, just visiting. One time I even went to a co-worker's funeral at a large Lutheran church. It's up to the JW's conscience, and whether they're afraid to be seen entering or leaving such a building.

    As far as going inside a hospital that is managed by a church -- sometimes there is no alternative. I had an emergency (kidney stone) while up visiting a friend, and the nearest hospital that he (a JW elder) trusted was a Catholic-run hospital in St.Cloud, Minnesota. I also had surgery done at Saint John's hospital in Saint Paul while a JW because that is where my doctor was affiliated.

    But as far as being employed and paid by another reliigion, to a JW that might be considered as affiliation with "Babylon the Great", which they define as all religions other than theirs. So being paid by them is quite different than visiting.

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