Okay, I am not a scifi guy but I was watching Bill O'reilly's interveiw with Shirley Maclane and I found out that she believes in UFO's, aliens, etc.. So it occured to me that should an alien or UFO show up how will the society handle that?
by oneairhead 8 Replies latest jw friends
Okay, I am not a scifi guy but I was watching Bill O'reilly's interveiw with Shirley Maclane and I found out that she believes in UFO's, aliens, etc.. So it occured to me that should an alien or UFO show up how will the society handle that?
So it occured to me that should an alien or UFO show up how will the society handle that?
You are assuming they will just "SHOW UP" actually we will hear them long before they show up...SETI the search for extra terrestral intellengence is searching the stars for some kind of electro magnetic radiation to indicate some sort of intelligent beings out there...every intelligent race will evolve from base existence to higher technology and in the process like us will spew out electro magnetic radiation in the form of light, sound, and electrical impulses to the expanses before even approaching interstellar travel...
i believe there are many earths, failed or successful experiments like adam and eve, we could be #34, on my post earlier tday
big d
Or we could be number 1billion 100 million 500 thousand 500 and one...I truely believe we are not the first or the last maybe the only current...believe there are many earths, failed or successful experiments like adam and eve, we could be #34, on my post earlier tday
big d
wouldnt that expalin alot of unsxplained problems with god?
why fix this batch, ill try with another!
big d
I think they will hire Blake Seeley to explain it ! Don't ask me, go ask Junction Guy! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
wouldnt that expalin alot of unsxplained problems with god?
why fix this batch, ill try with another!
Or maybe there is no God at all...and we are all just the product of chance evolution...Just think over 50 billion galaxies each with billions of stars with untold number of planets what are the chances of just ONE planet Earth producing life...and no other galaxie no billion stars with untold planets ever producing life...quite slim I would think...
So it occured to me that should an alien or UFO show up how will the society handle that?
They already have a protocol for it: Prov.18:10.
My voted scripture is:
38:32) ". . .Can you bring forth the Maz´za·roth constellation in its appointed time? And as for the Ash constellation alongside its sons, can you conduct them?"Maybe the sons are from the Ash constellation and are in spaceships ......LOL
Either way if UFO aliens shows up, being that I spent my early formative years in the 70's, I am just going to dismiss it has a demon hoax, and laugh and laugh and laugh...........but it would cause many to drop there professed religions and many would follow such a being as if it was a god.
Honestly I think the trend in Europe to dismiss all religion is the way the world is going, much more secret and sinister, then the sensational aliens.