As everyday passes by being alone, I am enjoying it more and more. I have grown distant from friends, and the only contact with others I have is at work and in the lab. I do not talk to most of my classmates except the ones I am in an assigned group with. It has been two weeks since my last date and a month since I have had sex. I do not care for any type of relationship at all, and I have even ignored a girl's plea for sex this past weekend because I do not desire that. I do not even desire a girl's company, and so I am not the one for a relationship. What I desire is self improvement in knowledge and physique. I enjoy having conversations with acquaintances in the lab, and I enjoy doing my work in the lab. I enjoy working with my workmates. They are quite fun and make the work pass by with ease, even though the work itself isn't much work. Do not get me wrong, these are not friends. I think friends and people in general are a financial burden and undependable at times, and I do not want to deal with that. Oddly enough, I am not depressed nor sad, but I am happy and content. I am most looking forward to moving out into my own place to live on my own this following month. In the past, solitude is what I have related to negatively, and I have tried my best to avoid it. I feel I have done everything. I have partied myself to death, had sex with multiple partners, tried many drugs, have been friends with many, volunteered for charity, gone on road trips, hiking and seeing the country, protested at large, gone to concerts, and unfortunately been apart of organized religion. All of this I have not found pleasure with any, and they have come to eventually wear out. In the past, I was a loner through the majority of my high school years. It was only until senior year that I started to come out socially and experiment. It seems as if I am now returning to my introversion with open arms.
Just a phase? I think not!
by tsunami_rid3r 7 Replies latest jw friends
Wasup, brotherman! It's been a while since I've seen anything from you.
Good to see you doing well, it's also nice of you to share your trip through life. You've come a long way, old friend.
And I don't need your money.
I am happy for you that you are content, happy. You are so very young yet, and my only concern would be that embracing this isolation too far could become a social phobia that inhibits your ability to interact with other human beings in a meaningful way down the road. Human companionship is something you will need, desire at some point in your future, please don't repress that need if and when it strikes.
Enjoy your solitude, your reflection. Don't confuse it however, with a personal strength, to isolate yourself for long periods of time is not emotionally or mentally healthy for anyone. Fear of being hurt or used can turn ugly fast, when it becomes belief that letting anyone in, is a personal weakness, not saying that is the case here, just a friendly bit of advice, take it with a grain of salt if you will.
To me it sounds like you are on a voyage of discovery in your psyche- you have been on a voyage of discovery in the outside and now you want to know who you realy are as a person.
Very good-just don´t forget to stay in touch with the world outside too.
Good luck on your journey
This was an interesting post.
I sometimes feel like friends are so sentsitive that it is a constant burden to keep them happy.
If you don't write them back right away or use exclamation marks, they think your mad. If you don't go out an party with them, they think you don't like them. If you say the wrong thing, they get defensive. Its exhausting and never ending.
Sometimes I like to be alone so I don't have to deal with this.
Enjoy your solitude and be your happy self, (!)