just finished watching the news on the tube saying that the U.S. is gonna get hit by terrorists again sometime this week ! Ashcroft says they dont know were or when but sources say there will be another terrorist attack on the U.S. this week ! ............Jedd
they`re gonna do it again !
by Doc_jedd 6 Replies latest jw friends
Yeah Jedd, I heard they're gonna hijack a train and crash it into Mt. Rushmore. (not sure if it's Abe Washington or George Lincoln they're after)
unc off the rails.
Nathan Natas
I heard they were going to go from door-to-door distributing magazines filled with poisonous ideas.
It would be a shame to loose Mt. Rushmore - truly one of our great natural wonders... <:P
yes indeed nathan going door to door withdisturbing magazines filled with poisonous ideas is truly a horror, hope we can nuke the bastards before it gets worse !.................as far as mount rushmore goes let em have it , i never liked those carvings of Ren & Stimpy any way.............Jedd
A) This isn't the first time Ashcroft has given this warning, so let's not get too panicky.
B) Terrorists are going to strike again...and again...and again...for many years and decades to come. That's the nature of terrorism, and as long as Bush inanely talks about eradicating the "evil ones," he won't get it.
the media is just feeding us great doses of fear..it sells news and "non-news".
i bought into it when i was a jdub...and armegeddon never came. not to say that we won't get hit again, we may. I just think that the media needs somthing to keep THEM going....and they love this terrorist stuff.
i have no answers except to know where you are going when you leave this life and don't stop living because a few million muslims hate us.
maybe i'm just not dealing with it well. but who are we as americans to escape the misery that the rest of the world eats daily.
we have it so good, but we take it for granted. i will do all i can to support my country, but i think alot of things will be decided for us. i sort of believe some of the conspiricy stuff.
sorry..had to ramble a bit -
I agree with you.. This terrorism stuff has been going on for 50 or so years, since day one of Israel becoming a state... It's just that we, as Americans, never really saw what the rest of the world has been putting up with for so many years.. Welcome to the world, America!!!
As for being afraid, nah, I'm not gonna let fear run my life!! That is exactly what the terrorists want, to immobilize the country in the name of fear.. Call me stubborn, but I have no intention of giving in to fear... !!!!