Where do I begin? I have a problem here. Because of the teachings I had from a very young age, I refused to take a shot with blood in it. The end result is that my youngest son lives with the consequences. He has Cerabal Palsy. The society downgrades those who sacrificed their children to their idols. But they raised me to do the same. I hate myself, I did one of the worst things a mom can do to her child, I offered my children up as a sacrifice because of the indoctrination of the Watchtower Bible Tract Society. I do thank God above for his mercy in that he had the law step in and do court orders. If they hadn't two of my sons would be dead, or severly brain damaged. For their situation there is no substitute for blood.
Child Sacrifices
by XAPITI 9 Replies latest jw friends
I'm so sorry for your children! I agree with your comparison of the WT and idol-worshippers.
Welcome to our board and I hope you find it rewarding.
I've been here since I quit going to meetings in March of this year. It's helped a lot.
Do you still go to meetings? Or, when did you leave?
Pat -
I'm sorry to hear about your child. I have two young boys. And I thank God that I never had to deal with any thing, such as the blood issue when I was a JW. Because at the time, I probley would have done what the org told me to do.
Welcome XAPITI,
I am also very sorry to hear about your children.
My daughter is a leukemia survivor and when she was very ill there was no substitute for blood. No blood meant her death, period.
Haven't been a JW for years, but I often wonder what I would have done if I had been one at the time of her diagnoses. I did ask, however, what the hospital would have done if I had refused blood transfusions for her. Like with you, they would have gotten a court order overriding my refusal.
Take care of yourself and your boys.
To put religious devotion first above even the well being of one's children is Biblical. Genesis chapter 22 tells the story of Abraham being instructed by God to offer up his son as a sacrifice. Then it all turns out to be a hoax as God stops Abraham at the last second and says basically 'Just kidding! But you actually fell for it eh? You really ARE whipped!'
No, God apparently had plans for Isaac and spared him. But it must have been great fun to watch His faithful servant Abraham squirm! Of course it does not require extraordinary intelligence to discern that if God were really all knowing it would have been completely unnecessary to stage such a sadistic, gangster-style test of Abraham's loyalty. In fact, verse 12 reveals that God apparently just wanted to see how scared Abraham was of Him.
My brother died at age 8 months of heart defects. My parents tried to deny him the blood he needed to live. The courts overruled Mom and Dad’s wishes and forced the blood. He died anyway but at least not at the hands of the Watchtower Society. You are not alone.
My sympathies go out to you...I've seen it again and again.
Hey Purple!!!! I am glad you posted. Now you have some more friends and I hope you know that you are not alone. See you in chat.
Does your son know this?
We seem to forget, religion is here to serve human-kind, not the other way around! Stop beating yourself up about your son. Guilt helps nothing. Help him live the best life possible, and use this as a starting point to review what other things you have been told in the name of religion that have negatively effected your life and then make changes.
Some man, some where, read a scripture and decided that this meant you can't have blood transfusions and then everyone followed. Who made his interpretation the correct interpretation? Keep in mind because it is written that women should give birth to their children in pain, it used to be against the law to give a woman pain medication during delivery! Anyone can read and make the most stupid interpretations - you have decide if you will follow them.
I hope you find peace in your life.
I don't think he know the depth of guilt I have. He knows the circumstances of why and how he got CP, his siblings also know what happened.