Mentioned this morning that she was brought up in the Borg but left because of the teachings about 1914 and 1975, but the main thing that did it for her was when her father was DF'd was she was told she couldn't speak to him, sounds like some of us here. Joy asked her which of her parents wast the first one to join and she said her mother (isn't that the way it always is) and then later her father came in. Mentioned how she hated the False Service and they used to put her in front hoping they wouldn't slam the door in the face of a child. I've also heard her mention previously that her mother passed away at 40+ from heart disease, so I'm assuming that perhaps she fell away in late teens early twenties since she admits to being forty herself.
Any old timers from the West Coast, I think somewhere in San Diego, not to sure, remember the Shepard family ?? I know I've heard her mention a sister named Lauren several times too.
i wanted to send her an email, but THe View's setup for emailing the hosts used to go directly to each one, now it's just a general email all lumped together, for even when you want to complain about a sponsor or something, so if they have someone going through the email, I wonder how many get through to the actual host with the topic of "Girrlll, you were a JW too", so I never sent one.