Pureheart says:
If the WTS is the Babylon the Great of the book of Revelation then this will be its demise. And so all of the whining and crying about the WTS that I have read in this room will not cause the beast to turn on it. God will.
Actually Wt is no more than a Publishing Corp that masquarades around as a religion and has some connection to god- they have a sales force of some 6million, they have sales training classes, they each have quotas to meet- they have area managers, regional managers, and they whole CLIMB THE LADDER - unlike most corp that are their size they have a very poor benefit package for it's staff, be it at the corp homeoffice or out in the field- jw will never be able to take advantage of all the wonderful things the corp has promised in thier employee handbook- no sickness, no death, return to youth- get to play with the lions and tigers.
I have always been amazed how even former jw still try to CONNECT wt to having some biblical importance- it is corp that sells a wonderful product called HOPE, the only problem is they never can deliver the product promised
as jw we worked for WT.Inc , much like if we had worked for any other US Corp- we just got shafted-
so no they don't have any role in bible or any fullfillment of "God" prophecy- it's funny to think that "GOD" forsaw and foretold that a
dude out of PA would set up a corp , call it wt and it would be the fullfillment of something written 2000yr ago-
it is so sad to watch so many of you try your very best to make the WT into something that it is not- folks for years have realized that you can take an idea ,-- wrap in the bible and sell to folks who need hope THAT IS THE REASON A PERSON BECOMES A JW it's not to be laughed at and poked fun at - it is because wt has very slick brochuresa and they sell that wonderful idea that despite being poor and uneducated, despite wherever you live on the face of the earth you will get A BEACH FRONT PROPERTY TIMESHARE- only catch is everyone is assigned to WEEK 53