Slandering Zealous Christians ...

by compound complex 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    "Would You Spread a Rumor?"

    "Even the Watchtower Society's publications have been the subject of rumors - for example,
    that one of the artists had secretly been introducing pictures of demons into the illustrations,
    was subsequently found out and disfellowshiped!
    "Did you share in spreading any such stories? If so, you were - perhaps unwittingly - spreading
    an untruth, since THEY WERE ALL FALSE [emphasis CC]. Certainly, the rumor concerning the
    Society's publications was harmful, as well as slanderous to the zealous Christians who work
    long hours producing artwork to make the magazines, brochures and books so attractive."

    - THE WATCHTOWER, September 1, 1984, page 7.

    Were you spreading the rumor wittingly or unwittingly?


  • Honesty

    I heard a rumor about page 159 in the Revelation Book a few years ago when I was still an active JW with privileges.

    I looked at page 159 and recoiled in horror at what I saw.

    Immediately, I put it out of my mind and continued spreading the Good News according to the Watchtower Society for several more years until I arose from my slumber and pulled back the curtain that revealed the Faithful Slave.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Honesty,

    I understand the 'putting it out of your mind' bit.

    I just now referred to p.159 of REVELATION CLIMAX and saw that image to which a thread has been dedicated. The book was my mother's and she circled and marked with an "X" the hand in question. I wish she were here now so we could discuss it!

    Thanks for sharing,


  • compound complex
  • uwishufish

    On page 69 does not the caption read "Look into my eye" And on page 181 I can't tell for sure but are the angles being cast out of heaven wearing Boxers or Breifs?

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    No, but I did find faces in some of the pictures. Now, how in the world could anyone say what a demon looked like, anyway? Never saw one.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thank you, uwish and White Dove, for you observations. I appreciate them.

    This thread is aka "Would You Spread a Rumor?"


  • Clam

    CoCo if I were to spread a rumour I'd rather do it wittingly than unwittingly. :o)

    Regardless of method, I doubt it would affect the end result.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thank you, Clam. Perhaps not a bit o' difference but we can try!

    Shouldn't the Society say "slanderous and libelous to zealous Christians" as our spreading of this horrid and unfounded rumor is by means of the written word?

    Just a thought ...


  • Clam

    CoCo You're right.

    I myself distinctly remember spreading a rumour for the Society itself: namely that the Battle of Armageddon was imminent. Some were slandered and libelled on the way - the clergy, the UN, gays, in fact the whole worldly bunch.

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