I just found this out, I don't know how many of you already know this but the pentagram was used by Christians as the symbol of the five wounds of Christ. Ironic.
by Anti-Christ 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I did not know that. That's interesting.
Where did you find this info, Anti-Christ?
I was doing research on the subject and found a few interesting things. The symbol dates back 3500BC in Mesopotamia. There is some info on Wiki. but there is also other info on some other sites. Apparently the symbol with the two points down is the "good" symbol and with the three points down is the "evil" version of the symbol. For Christians it represented the five wounds of Christ.
AC, you are so wrong...
*** g94 9/22 pp. 7-8 Satanism’s Handmaidens—Drugs and Heavy-Metal Music ***
Last year in New Jersey, U.S.A., two 15-year-old boys brutally killed a family’s pet Labrador dog named Princess. "It was a sacrifice for Satan," they claimed. They held the dog up by her chain, kicked her to death, ripped her tongue out and used it in a satanic ritual. They impaled the mutilated body of the dog on a large metal hook and hung it in a neighbor’s yard. Satanic markings were found on the dog’s head, and a pentagram (a five-pointed star in a circle—a Satanic symbol) was etched on the ground beneath the dog’s body. On the night of the killing, they were listening to Deicide (which means murder of God), a death-metal band, whose lead singer boasts of torturing and killing animals.
...and I'll bet you listen to heavy-metal and kill your neighbors pets!
I'm so heavy into the occult and witchcraft now........I wear a pentakilogram
and I'll bet you listen to heavy-metal and kill your neighbors pets!
That's funny. It's also ironic that most of the so called satanic rituals were actually "invented" by the catholic church. Now some wannabe Satan worshipers copy these rituals. It's funny that satanist don't even believe in Satan, not to confuse with Satan worshipers.
AC, thanks for tolerating my perverted sense of humor! LOL
One reason I felt compelled to c/p that spot was that it was the only time the WTS has ever said anything about the pentagram (at least as far as the 2001 CD contains). Considering that they have a propensity to talk at length about everything from Barbie dolls to body piercings to the dangers of aluminum cookware, it struck me as odd that they devoted only this one little parenthetical statement about such a pervasive religious symbol.
But, since you mention it...what is a satanist? Do they typically "use" the pentagram?
But, since you mention it...what is a satanist? Do they typically "use" the pentagram?
LaVeyan Satanism I hope this link works if not you can look it up in Wiki. There are also other sites that thalk about it.