I am told that the March 'insider' W/T will have startling new light on this generation, true numbers of the remnant and a reduced time scale. Anyone in Bethel able to give us a steer? I understand the new figure for the remnant could be as low as 4,000...
New Material?
by Beagle 6 Replies latest watchtower scandals
What I have heard from another apostate website (though the quote was apparently from a current JW) is that the WTS will be reverting to the generation doctrine they came up with in 1927, and that it will be announced in the Feb. 15 Watchtower -- which as I understand it is now a super-secret magazine not to be shared with the general public.
Nothing like in-house pedophilia and a public relations nightmare to bring about a "new light," eh?
I'm sure it's just coincidence. Ahem.
Free Bird
I hear it's Feb 15, 2008:
Watchtower - February 15 2008 - page 24 paragraph 15:
15 Today, people who don't have the spiritual understanding think that there is nothing of "stunningly observable" as to the signs of Jesus' presence. They reason that all continues as before. (2 Peter 3:4) On the other hand, the faithful brothers of Christ, the present class of John, recognize this sign as if it was a lightning and understand its real meaning. As a group, those anointed comprise the present "generation" of comtemporaries who won't pass away "until all the things come to pass".* This indicates that some of anointed brothers of Christ will still be alive on earth when the foretold great tribulation begins.
* Apparently, the period in which "this generation" lives seems to correspond to the period covered by the first vision of the book of Revelation. (Rev. 1:10-3:22) This aspect of the day of the Lord extends from 1914 until when the last of the faithful anointed dies and is ressurected - See Revelation - Its Grand Climax at Hand! page 24, paragraph 4.
White Dove
What about 1995 and this generation being only an era of events? Maybe they got it that a generation must have genes present to be a gene-ration. -
Nothing new here when it comes to chronology; the generation consisting of the remnant just means that as long as new members are added, the generation and hence end-time will last indefinitely, there is no barrier at the other end of it, it will just go on and on.
This "old light" (1927) becoming "new light" (2007) is going to be a two-edged sword for the WTS.
The 1995 revision was a necessity due to the fact that the generation alive in 1914 was at least 81+ years old. They were CYAing. Now with the "unsealing" of the 144,000 last year (more new light, not sealed in 1935) the calendar driven changes can be halted indefinitely.
Discerning ones will be able to see through this. A lot of people had trouble swallowing the generation change in '95, now they are really going to get their panties in a bunch. That ornery new light is a "blinker" again. The GB must have a "Clapper."
Another problem is that it will be a lot harder for the Borg to generate any urgency in the preaching work. No imminent date coming to worry about. They can make vague statements, but that is not going to rally the R&F into whole souled service. Complacancy will run amuk.