Well friends, I saw an old good friend of mine today who is still a JW and is my 'secret' friend.
In the course of conversation, she told me that she had been really upset the other day when she saw something her father had written to her mother that expressed his love for her and that they would always be together in the kingdom. It upset her because she realises that they have accepted their mortality and she has as well but she thinks that if they are right, because she's a bit of a rebel, she won't be there to see them! I told her to do her research and then she would find out whether they are in with a chance of being right or not.
We then went on to discuss whether she really wanted to know 'everything' or not. She was very honest and said that "she would rather not open 'Pandora's Box'" and "remember what happened to the cat?".... because it wasn't worth risking her marriage and losing all her friends, even if going to meetings, going out on ministry and generally struggling IS all a waste of time. She really doesn't want to know (Sweetpea shaking her head whilst writing this....).
She struggles though with the fact that her hubby won't admit that the Organisation was a member of the UN, won't present her with evidence to prove her wrong and just shrugs it off with "it's all lies".
I mentioned the child abuse settlements in the US and she asked "yes, but did that really happen?".
Somebody ought to make a movie of the bizarre world of the witnesses.
SP (of the 'so glad I'm out and know the truth' class)
The Crazy Mixed Up World of a Witness
by sweet pea 8 Replies latest jw friends
sweet pea
AK - Jeff
You could subtitle the movie;
If a Brick Hits You in the Head - Deny the Pain is Real, till Jehover Says So !
SWEET PEA- Cult mind control is truly amazing . She actually asked if the child abuse scandal happened ? It really is crazy how they cause people to gullibly trust a criminal organization , and cause them to close their minds to the obvious truths the rest of us see so clearly . Good thread Sweet Pea It helps others see what a closed society the witnesses really are
Yep, it's crazy!
But give her time, keep being the good friend you are, seeds are planted all the while. I'm seeing that myself, and it's 6 years since I've been out.
(((sweet pea)))
sweet pea
Jeff - Great movie title!
Flipper - it just constantly amazes me how we all fell for it for so long.
Dagney - thanks for your advice - I'm so tempted to tell her I don't need this crazy friendship and don't want to hear about any more JW stuff now but I do still care and want her to see this cult for what it really is. Sigh. -
sweet pea
libh - oh yes, she knows a little of my views, the main thing being I don't beieve it's the 'truth' and I don't believe it's God's sole channel and I think she secretly wants to know everything else. She's one of my best friends from childhood and she's one of only two friends who will still have anything to do with me.
Hi Sweet Pea, I think your softly softly approach should have good results.
It is crazy though that we have to be careful about what we say- at least initially about any doubts we have.
She soundslike a good friend
I can't SAY it better than this:
SWEET PEA- Cult mind control is truly amazing . She actually asked if the child abuse scandal happened ? It really is crazy how they cause people to gullibly trust a criminal organization , and cause them to close their minds to the obvious truths the rest of us see so clearly . Good thread Sweet Pea It helps others see what a closed society the witnesses really are
I have a best friend that is in. In the beginning I probably shared a lot more than I do now. She is progressive in her thinking and knows me well enough that I don't do anything, and especially anything of this magnitude, on a whim. I've told her about the UN and she says she believes me. I've told her about the lawsuits and settlements, and she has told me she thinks that will be a way of humbling the organization. She has told me that I could come back and just go whenever I want just like she does, and she has told me if is wasn't for her family she would be out. (LOL)
Good friends are hard to find, and the true ones will stand by us. Her husband called me last night because he was buying tickets for a concert. It is a little naive to comment whether the court issues happened, but in reality, JW's are so stinkin insulated, now more than ever. No outside literature, no "internet" (yeah right). I asked another JW friend if she saw the NBC program, ("No"), and told her to check the JW media site out for the response. I doubt she will do it.
Man...you wouldn't have to tell me twice something like that. It's just crazy.