Despite the fact that witnesses claim to be politically neutral, I've seen a lot of political opinion being spread around by the r-n-f. It's all been pretty much anti-Bush sentiment. How have your experiences been?
Political leanings of most JWs
by B_Deserter 4 Replies latest jw experiences
drew sagan
I knew a die hard liberal who was JW (i'm pretty sure he actually went out and voted for Kerry). But I also have known people who seemed to have sided with Bush and his war.
I think a major thing to realize is that most JWs seem to be quite uninformed as to what is actually going on in the world, so their opinions in these things are really simplistic and naive. -
I think a major thing to realize is that most JWs seem to be quite uninformed as to what is actually going on in the world, so their opinions in these things are really simplistic and naive.
I tend to agree with Drew.
For those that reveal a leaning, they are anti-guns, anti-abortion, anti-draft, anti-gay,
They tend to lean toward conservative beliefs except for the anti-war thing. Even there,
many are against the atrocities committed by others in the name of their god and they
often are glad somebody else is willing to volunteer to fight the war.Still, many are liberal when it comes to social programs allowing the government to
"take care of things" for people. They are often for big government and taxing the fool
out of the rich (because they are usually not the rich).I would say, besides being naive, they are easily led by WTS feelings on the matters.
They are anti- anything WTS says. They are for high taxes on the rich to take care of
anyone who dedicates their life to staying poor and magazine-selling. They want government
protection, but not involvement- let somebody else take care of things. They want justice
but don't want to be on juries that could effect justice- again, let somebody else do it.WTS warps their thinking on politics because of their doomsday mentality. To sum them up,
I would say they think, "Let the rich get richer, then tax them to death so they can take care
of us poor people. Let politics be corrupt as long as it gives me benefits and then leaves me
alone. Even when government does things that WTS tells me I am against, I will let others
fight the fine fight, because the system is doomed and I have a warning work to do." -
Robert K Stock
As a Witness I thought the whole idea of paradise Earth sounded to me like Soviet era collective farms and state owned industry. Since the rank and file would have to await orders from the Princes on where they would live, where they would work and what jobs they would be doing, I saw parallels to Communism. From the brothers and sisters according to their abilities, to the brothers and sisters according to their needs.
While a Witness I considered myself a Socialist with Jesus bringing about Utopia instead of the working class bringing Utopia through revolution.
When we were JWs, my mom landed in the emergency room after a bad fall. They were asking questions to determine her physical well being.
They asked her who the president was. She was a single mom with six kids and worked six and seven days a week. Even before she was a JW and after she never paid attention to politics.
So she said, "Ask me something I care about."