What I’ve learned…part 98756202-071-874-865978787a

by wanderlustguy 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • wanderlustguy

    People say this, and they say it everywhere, “you know what they say about the weather around here, if you don’t like it, just wait a minute”. OK pal, your area isn’t f*cking special… They say that everywhere except maybe the north and south poles…but I haven’t been there. The whole world is crazy.

    Losers can have more money than everyone else…and real winners can have less. The difference is it takes a while longer for one to learn money can’t buy happiness, and the price of things you can use to kill yourself.

    You can NOT cure psyco, insecure, or stupid. The only way to fix it is to get away from it.

    Drama is not normal for everybody, there is a choice involved.

    Most people just don’t get it…and you’re always better off assuming so and letting them surprise you.

    Women assume all men are pigs…just like above. It’s fun to surprise them, not to mention it’s a lot easier to look in the mirror.

    The people who love to give you the most advice about how to do something seem to me the ones who don’t do it for some reason.

    Most of the time when someone asks your opinion, they only want it if it’s like theirs.

  • VoidEater

    What I have the most choice in is how I view other people

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