On August 2, 2007, A bill was introduced to the US Congress entitled H.R. 1959 "Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007". If this bill becomes law, a US citizen's words could be considered "promoting an extremist belief system", and the US Government, at their [in]discretion can deem any attempt to expose government lies as using PLANNED or THREATENED "FORCE" This does not necessarily have to be "violence" --FORCE by exposing CORRUPTION or CRIMINALITY against "THE CIVILIAN POPULATION OF THE UNITED STATES, OR ANY SEGMENT THEREOF" Read the bill very carefully. This could result in the stripping of US citizenship and result in torture or execution, a la Guantanamo Bay.
A PDF of the Bill can be downloaded here:
More information on the bill here:
For anyone not aware of the Watchtower's investment in the warfare technology of Rand Cam Corporation, click here:
Strong links have been found between RandCam Corp. and this proposed bill:
JCanon, you oughta love this. Maybe this is manifestation of Springmeier's assertions that Brooklyn Bethel is the secret headquarters of the Illuminati. 2 Thessalonians 2 says that false Apostles would be claiming in letters that the Day of the Lord was here (1914 "presence" of Christ) Wouldn't it be amazing if the Witchtower joins the New World Order just like all the other religions, so that the Man of Lawlessness (composite Son of Perdition with the Vatican due to Jesuit infiltration of the Watchtower Society, complete with the New World [Order] Translation Jesuit Bible taken from the corrupt Vatican Codex.)
The Watchtower, RandCam and H.R. 1959
by ProdigalSon 8 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Can you say 'Police State'?
Why hasnt this been publicized much? Was this a bi partisan bill ?
that is a great topic...
bttt in hopes of more discussion
If this bill becomes law, a US citizen's words could be considered "promoting an extremist belief system", and the US Government, at their [in]discretion can deem any attempt to expose government lies as using PLANNED or THREATENED "FORCE" This does not necessarily have to be "violence" --FORCE by exposing CORRUPTION or CRIMINALITY against "THE CIVILIAN POPULATION OF THE UNITED STATES, OR ANY SEGMENT THEREOF" Read the bill very carefully. This could result in the stripping of US citizenship and result in torture or execution, a la Guantanamo Bay.
I'll give you kudos for trying to sensationalize this bill. But in fact, the choice of words that you used totally distorts the true purpose of this bill. This bill does not in any way attempt to criminalize citizens of the USA for simply exposing "government lies." You may want to actually read this proposed bill rather than passing on inaccurate information presumably taken from a conspiracist website. I say "presumably" because anyone who takes the time to read this document will come away with a totally different perspective on this matter.
Brooklyn Bethel is the secret headquarters of the Illuminati
If you could present some proof; would bne greatly appreciated.
NO ON HR 1959
If this bill is passed, and becomes law, your words and actions could be considered terrorism. S 1959 EVISCERATES FREE SPEECH, and empowers the govt. to declare ANYTHING they deem an "extremist belief system", instantly make you a terrorist, resulting in stripping of US citizenship, torture, and/or execution, with no habeas corpus rights, no ability to challenge even in the US Supreme Court.Contact your Senator and let them know they will be looking for another job if they vote yes on this bill, which is now introduced into the Senate as S.1959 THIS BILL **MUST NOT** BECOME LAW, PERIOD.http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bill.xpd?bill=h110-1955http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bill.xpd?bill=s110-1959If this becomes law, your words could be considered "promoting an extremist belief system", and all they have to say is that you are using PLANNED OR THREATENED *FORCE* (DOES NOT HAVE TO BE VIOLENCE) --FORCE by exposing CORRUPTION, CRIMINALITY against "THE CIVILIAN POPULATION OF THE UNITED STATES, *****OR ANY SEGMENT THEREOF" READ THE BILL MANY TIMES AND VERY CAREFULLY--YOU ARE THE TERRORIST (WHICH MEANS THEY CAN STRIP YOUR CITIZENSHIP, AND HAVE YOU TORTURED AND EXECUTED).Call their local and DC offices. Go to their offices. Find out where your Senator is and tell him no to HR 1959.If I didn't know any better, it would appear that your introductory paragraph was lifted from this guy's blog(quoted right above). So that means I'm going to have to give you a "W" on your counsel slip for "Giving answers in your own words and not repeating directly from the paragraph."
Oh yeah, just glance through some of that blog. Whoooo-boy.
I happen to agree 100 percent with that description of this bill, because I've done my homework. If you are unaware of the fact that the corrupt United States Government is leading the way towards a New World Order, I suggest doing a little research. This is not only from secular information but from Bible Prophecy.
The Bible also says that the Man of Lawlessness would be exposed after false Apostles would say that the Day of the Lord was already here (1914) and then would come the ultimate apostasy. Care to inform us who else has done this to the extent of the Watchtower Society?
And by the way, how did Building 7 fall down in a perfect controlled demolition when it was hit by no airplane?
And where's the "757" that hit the Pentagon? Oh yeah, it "vaporized".