From Feb 15, 2008 WT
15 Today, people who don't have the spiritual understanding think that there is nothing of "stunningly observable" as to the signs of Jesus' presence. They reason that all continues as before. (2 Peter 3:4) On the other hand, the faithful brothers of Christ, the present class of John, recognize this sign as if it was a lightning and understand its real meaning. As a group, those anointed comprise the present "generation" of comtemporaries who won't pass away "until all the things come to pass".* This indicates that some of anointed brothers of Christ will still be alive on earth when the foretold great tribulation begins.
How can it be that all the anointed today comprise a "generation?"
From this list of 14 defintions for generation, what would you choose to describe the anointed today?
1. | the entire body of individuals born and living at about the same time: the postwar generation. |
2. | the term of years, roughly 30 among human beings, accepted as the average period between the birth of parents and the birth of their offspring. |
3. | a group of individuals, most of whom are the same approximate age, having similar ideas, problems, attitudes, etc. Compare Beat Generation, Lost Generation. |
4. | a group of individuals belonging to a specific category at the same time: Chaplin belonged to the generation of silent-screen stars. |
5. | a single step in natural descent, as of human beings, animals, or plants. |
6. | a form, type, class, etc., of objects existing at the same time and having many similarities or developed from a common model or ancestor: a new generation of computers. |
7. | the offspring of a certain parent or couple, considered as a step in natural descent. |
8. | the act or process of generating; procreation. |
9. | the state of being generated. |
10. | production by natural or artificial processes; evolution, as of heat or sound. |
11. | Biology .
12. | Mathematics . the production of a geometrical figure by the motion of another figure. |
13. | Physics . one of the successive sets of nuclei produced in a chain reaction. |
14. | (in duplicating processes, as photocopying, film, etc.) the distance in duplicating steps that a copy is from the original work. |