Comments You Won't Hear at the WT Study 11/25 FEATURING MINIMUS

by V 6 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • V

    Here are the fully formatted Watchtower Comments for the week ending 25 November. Despite the trampling of WT Comments last week, this feature will go unabated.

    My appreciation to minimus for his commentary, see his original post here. Thank you for your support.

  • SirNose586

    Thanks for continuing the Comments, V!

    I think this study was a catch all for all the little witness trends I'd heard over the years. "Get a good job then pioneer," was one of them. Now they can't do that.

    In a recent local talk, the speaker said this: "When kids get ready to graduate from High School, what do they want? They want to pioneer, get a job, and get a car. (O RLY? What happened to college? Oh, right, right, college is verboten.) So they think, 'I'll get a job, so I can get a car, then I can pioneer.' That's not the way you should do it. You should pioneer first, then worry about a car and a job."

    So the sniping away continues. There is quite a concerted effort, I notice, to keep them poorer and pioneering--exactly in a place where you have no lateral movement in your life.

  • WTWizard

    They want everyone to feel safe in the Kingdumb Hell, but they don't want anyone to be safe. There are pedophiles within the ranks that abuse their authority to molest children, and then silence the victims. Then they tell people not to get that good job or go to college before pioneering. Just start pioneering, embarrass yourself about being involved in this pedophile cult, and keep pioneering even if things go south on you. There never is a good excuse for quitting pioneering.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    That was the first time I have read a Watchtower 'study article' all the way thru in probably 4 years. I basically want to go puke now.

    It seems any biblical metaphor can be exploited to black/white analogy of today's world/versus God's Holy People. What was the overriding point in this article - avoid cigarettes and soaps? Accept that anything wrong in paradise is due to poor choices on the part of peon witnesses? If a 'mature' organization with God's Holy Spirit cannot survive these horrendous vices [smokes, soaps, and quarrels] I would have to doubt it's maturity.

    Wow - what imbecilic thinking and juvenile reasoning. Nothing about the core of a Jw's personal character. It is all so damned superfluous that I can't believe I used to swallow and ask for more.


  • Gringa

    Ya have to admit, watching soaps is pretty worthless....

  • minimus

    Sir Nose, they wanna keep them barefoot and pregnant. They want to keep them helpless, in submission.The Watchower wants to keep uneducated fearful people. Independence is condemned. Thinking is wrong. Just believe. Good do what we say and you'll have no problems.

  • Cindi_67

    Q7) How might Satan cause some parents to lose their spiritual balance?

    7) Conscientious Christian parents take seriously their Scriptural responsibility to provide materially for their families. (1 Timothy 5:8) However, Satan's aim is to make Christians lose their balance in this regard. Perhaps they habitually miss meetings because they give in to pressure from their employers to do extra work. They may be afraid to ask for time off to attend all the sessions of a district convention to worship Jehovah with their brothers. The protection against this snare is to "trust in Jehovah." (Proverbs 3:5, 6) Additionally, remembering that we are all members of Jehovah's household and that he has obligated himself to watch over us will help us to maintain our balance. Parents, do you have faith that Jehovah will in one way or another care for you and your family when you do his will? Or will the Devil catch you alive and get you to do his will because of fear of man? We entreat you to consider these questions prayerfully.

    If someone is barely making ends meet and he has a choice for overtime and he takes it, and he misses one meeting, it’s like taking one cigarette. Parents should rely on Jehovah God to pay the bills. He “cares” for your family and will pick up the tab for you.

    I have an additional comment.

    They are trying to make ends meet, especially when they haven't had a college education, because it was not encouraged, saying that going to College will make you spiritually weak and you'll be an easy target for Satan. Go and pioneer which is the best "career" you'll ever have, and when you get married and have a house, kids and bills to pay, rely on Jehovah to help you out. But don't go around looking for a job that will make you miss meetings or conventions, pray to Jehovah and he will find a good paying job, with 8:00 to 5:00 hour days with weekends off.

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