do you mind me asking why you are not interesred in the truth
by looloo 5 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
sorry this is in the wrong place , at least it will give rosalee something to pick on me about again though lol , that is the question a poor elder who knocked on my mothers door made the mistake of asking her she replied that the court case for the man who had abused her non jw grandaughter and jw members when he was a min servant was approaching and had the elders reported him to the police years ago we would not be in this horrible situation, is that a good reason why im not interested ? the poor man knew who she was talking about and after apologising for our situation bid a hasty retreat . needless to say jws do not knock on her door anymore !
OMG looloo! That elder couldnt have asked a more wrong question. I hope your mum gave him double barrels (im guessing she did). How utterly arrogant of him to call his brand of belief THE truth - but then ive been there. Ive called it the same thing in my time. Arrogant and narrow minded in the extreme.
Im so sorry for what happened to your family.
thanx katie kitten, because you live in england do you know how i can contact that lady who was on gmtv recently after the blood transfusion scandal , she left the org after having twins and also refused a blood transfusion but did not die , i think she is called rachel i think she has a website x
I will try and look it up for you today and see if i can find a contact detail.
cheers , all the bad press they are getting latley,almost makes up for the fact that we never got any with our court case because of the press leaving the rroom just before he came in the dock