I went to a district assembly in Omaha back in the 1970's and got roped into doing street witnessing wearing one of those sandwich boards. I felt like a complete idiot, but was talked into it by a JW girl I liked at the time. Anyway, I was wondering if anyone else here ever did this. Just curious.
Different Types of Witnessing
by drahcir yarrum 2 Replies latest jw friends
Last weekend was going through some of the 5000 plus slides my father took over the past 50 years. A good percentage were of assemblies -travel to and from.
Ran across several of me, my brother and sister doing this kind of work in Lansing, MI and other cities where C.A. assemblies were held back in the early 60's. I do have a memory of getting cornered by a rather large frightening lady on the street, but all she wanted me to do was stand still so she could "read me".
It was fun when you were 5 or 6 - as a teen I think I would have feigned a stomach ache.Ah the memories.......................
Makena -
G'day Murray
I was lucky, we did not have the sandwich boards, just hour after hour in the hot blazing sun offering the latest mags to uninterested people. That was back in the time that you counted only the time spent in 'fair dinkum' witnessing.
O, to go back to the old days......