JW's continue to expand WT Farm property with big $$$...despite the "end" being so close. www.recordonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20071129/NEWS/711290360
Armegeddon delayed?
by proandcon 7 Replies latest jw friends
Honestly when I left the faith ah about 2 years ago, or more now (they were just starting the Daniel book again) my dear little old witness friend next door told me that the elders were saying they reckond armegeddon would be here before they finished the book - I had to laugh.
I told her to pop around for tea after they had finished the book - needless to say she didn't come around.
I honestly think armegeddon is permanently delayed friend. (I don't think it's coming - my bad)
drew sagan
Many apocalyptic type groups change and adapt as time proves their predictions wrong. Embarrassing moments are swept under the carpet and the group evolves and changes to survive.
I think the Watchtower has been keeping itself in the middle way to long. When it comes to organizational growth (new buildings, printing presses, ect) they have no problem looking at things from the long term.
On the other hand there are many things that show that the leaders still really believe that the end is right around the corner. This organization provides nothing for it's membership. No programs for the youth is a big one imo. I believe that the leaders don't even want to accept that these generations of young ones are even going to be growing up. Anybody using common sense would realize the need to provide more for the members so they have reasons to stay. In this sense it seems that the WTS is in denial.
So the paradox is there. They are preparing the organization structure for the long term, but not the membership! I believe that eventually they will catch on and begin to back off of their end times speculation and begin to offer more to the membership, like what happened in the LDS church and other similar groups. -
I'm having this feeling like armageddon is comming but it will be a natural disaster not some act of a God to destroy bad people. Watch out y'all, it's comming soon.
Ken P.
Jesus Christ died for all of mankind’s sins. He is a King of Love & righteousness. He is not a King of hate and murder.
Armageddon is a symbolic word used in revelation. When Jesus returns it will be in all of his glory with all of his angels.
In preterism, armageddon was the ongoing battle bewtween the christian gospel and the world. And so, christianity was unleashed on the world through rome. As christianity became the state religion, christianty flooded across europe, wiping out indigenous religions in its path. Ireland was one of the last. Then, w columbus and cortez, and later w the puritans, it conquored the americas. India and china were also not left unscathed.
S -
Witness 007
It's not coming soon because since the Cold War ended NO ONE KNOWS WHO IS THE KING OF THE NORTH AND THE KING OF THE SOUTH. I mean come on, prophets!!! 1989-2008. Nearly 20 years and still no one is brave enough to make a Watchtower offical statement. We need to get Fred Franz out of Crio-Freeze and use his brain to continue these True lies. The Witnesses are loosing focus.