according to a JW , the internet is the anti-christ

by candidlynuts 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • candidlynuts

    yup..silliest thing i've ever heard to date.

    i was out and about today this guy was an older man , walking up to people and shoving watchtowers in their hands like dive bombing witnessing.

    i stuck my hand out and stopped him and just asked if he'd ever researched his own religion on the internet, that there was a lot one could learn about any religion and its history online now .

    he said that the internet is quickly becoming identified as the anti christ then he ran off to shove more watchtowers in peoples hands with barely a word.

    i was standing there with my jaw dropped for a few seconds before i shook it off and got in my car lol

    what the heck are jw's drinkin now days?

  • Sunnygal41

    HEY!!! CANDID!!!

  • drew sagan
  • Sunnygal41


  • 5go
    what the heck are jw's drinkin now days?

    Come on you know the answer to that!

  • Sunnygal41


  • candidlynuts

    hiya sunnygal!

    yeah i knew it was koolaid but i didnt know it was laced with hallucagenic acid! lol

  • tribalgirl


    I'd like to say I've seen it all now, but I'm afraid there is probably more to come.

    Too crazy for words.

  • poppers

    By that reasoning, the WT aids the anti-christ, or is itself the anti-christ, since they have a website. What an idiot.

  • jaguarbass

    Information is knowledge, knowledge is power. The witnesses dont want the sheep to have knowledge or power.

    I think they would be happy if they would just sell magazines.

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