For so many years now the borg has spoken condesendingly of organized religion. This raises many questions then on their part. What do jw's call the people that have oversight on all jw's? THE ORGANIZATION, right? What is the that dark green book we all had to study and answer questions from to be baptized? ORGANIZED TO ACCOMPLISH OUR MINISTRY. If then, they are not a part of organized religion, are they therefore , a DISORGANIZED religion? Food for thought, or a snappy to answer to any dubs that may come to your door.
Disorganized religion
by nomoreguilt 7 Replies latest jw friends
Ironically, the wt org, being a cult, is actually more organized than what they call organized religion. Most other churches are only loosely organized.
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To that, you could add another irony, if you bring that fact to the attention of a jw, he/she would probably react w pride.
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What irony. How can they remain proud considering the current events giving them such a black eye?
The WT has always said whatever they needed to say to suit their purpose at the time. At the height of their attack against "organized religion" they were a tiny, ragtag group of loosely organized Bible students. This was mainly back in the 20s and 30s during Rutherford's reign as president. However, as they began to grow, they began to look more and more like the object of their derision. Consequently, their attacks on organized religion shifted and began to focus on "false" religion.
However, there is still a legacy of organized religion bashing left within the WT, especially by those who have spent many, many decades within it. I remember seeing a picture in the Proclaimers book of some bible students back in the 1930s or thereabouts holding a sign that read "religion is a snare and a racket." Somewhere along the line they must have had some new light that clarified that only "false" religion was a snare and a racket, not the hyper-technical and ultra-organized bureaucratic religion that they had morphed into. -
Based on the flickering light bulb that they are constantly hiding behind, I would say they are disorganized religion.
some confusing watchtower quotes about organized religion:
*** w80 3/1 p. 13 After Destruction of Organized Religion, Which Way? ***“ORGANIZED Religion of the world has fallen!” Such words we may expect haters of all popular religion to shout out jubilantly, when organized religion of today goes down in violent destruction.
*** w80 3/1 p. 24 The Right Route Needs to Be Selected Now ***Even now before the outbreak of the “great tribulation” they are under divine orders to “proclaim . . . the day of vengeance on the part of our God” against Organized Religion
*** w80 3/1 p. 24 The Right Route Needs to Be Selected Now ***When, in the fast approaching “great tribulation,” the “sword” of divine vengeance strikes down all Organized Religion
*** w54 11/15 p. 679 Is World Unity a Dream? ***For a time the League of Nations ‘was,’ then ‘was not’ during World War II, but ascended out of the abyss of inactivity under a new name, the United Nations. Before it goes into destruction it is shown devastating organized religion
*** pe chap. 25 p. 209 For Satan’s World, or God’s New System? ***Satan’s world—his organized human society—is made up of various closely connected parts
*** km 1/77 p. 4 Presenting the Good News—To Those Who Have Lost Faith in Religion ***You may be able to explain that the failure of organized religion to give him a satisfying hope should not be a cause for him to abandon worship of God
*** w00 1/1 p. 30 We Need Jehovah’s Organization ***Does God want Christians to be associated with an organization?the united worldwide congregation, or organization, was needed was to promote “speak in agreement"
Yes, Jehovah used an organization in the first century We Need an Organization Today*** rs p. 326 par. 2 Religion ***
Nevertheless, to fulfill the Bible’s requirements, it must be organized.*** kl chap. 17 p. 161 Find Security Among God’s People ***Using the ‘faithful slave’ and its present-day Governing Body, God directs his organized people to make spiritual food, clothing, and shelter available to all who wish to have these provisions.
*** tp chap. 3 p. 30 Are the World’s Religions Giving the Right Lead? ***Religious commentator M. J. McManus wrote this about church attenders: “Few trends in religion so threaten to undermine organized religion in the 1980s as does the sorry state of Biblical knowledge.
*** kc chap. 15 p. 143 Loyal Advocates of the Kingdom ***In the 1870’s Charles T. Russell organized a small group of dedicated Christians in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
*** sl chap. 18 p. 335 On Whose Side Are We When World Distress Climaxes? ***Jehovah’s Christian witnesses have identified Babylon the Great as being, not the Roman Catholic Church, no, not organized Christendom, but the world empire of false religion
*** g99 11/8 p. 28 Watching the World ***“No doubt organized religion’s image has also been scarred badly by front-page stories of Christian clergy sex abuse
*** g99 12/8 p. 9 In Search of the Good Life ***“In much of the world organized religion has lost power during the 20th century,”
*** g97 9/8 p. 6 A World Taught to Hate ***, it is obvious that organized religion has failed to instill in people a love strong enough to overcome political and ethnic biases.
They are organized all right. They are united in protecting pedophiles within the organization, setting a structure for people to exploit authority that they should not have to molest children behind, and hounding anyone that tries to do a little "sin" like celebrating Christmas.