Are you watching this Flipper?
Flipper is in heaven/history channell is doing a show on Bigfoot
by dawg 9 Replies latest jw friends
interesting show on Bigfoot. I have been a skeptic but after the show on the Attacking Sasquatch were they find DNA and Hair from an unknown primate here in the Americas. I am open minded now.
I believe in evolution maybe Bigfoot is a close relative.
It would be so cool if Mr. Flipper and his son are the ones to find that elusive beast!
Yea, that was interesting about the DNA evidence, seems an unknown creature stepped on a board with screws on it and left DNA evidence... it was unknown and primate if I rememebr correctly.... it was throwing rocks at the cabib before that. Interesting
doh! I was all excited to watch the Big Foot story and it ain't on! I hate when that happens! Guess I'll just call it a night.
Lady Liberty
Darn it!! I missed it again?? Here is the episode link..
Lady Liberty
DAWG- Mr. Flipper here ! Saw my name- thought I'd come a knockin' ! Yeah, my son put that show from the history channel on DVD for me and Mrs. Flipper and I will watch it in a day or two. I heard it was really some good concrete DNA evidence as you say. Looking forward to watching it ! The night time show Coast to Coast on A.M. radio with George Norrie also had this same guy on and interviewed him a couple weeks ago , but I missed it. But I subscribe on-line to the Coast to Coast show so I can go back and catch it. Pretty cool stuff! This next year should really be interesting to see what else is revealed about our big hairy buddies ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Have you seen a bigfoot, Flipper? I used to have a college roomate, we took our ladies camping; he gets up in the middle of the night to take a dump, naked of all things... no pun intended. MY lady looks out and starts screaming, mostly casue its a full moon (no pun intended again) and you can see a big tall harity thing (no pun again) going throught the woods. And so I look out and see his tall naked ass moving through the woods.... I thought it was a Sasquash at first, but he started laughing and I knew better. We howled laughing, luckily we were about 10 miles on the trail and didn't wake no one else. His gal was a bitch and she got mad we woke her... anyway ust thought I's share a laugh
DAWG- LMAOL, that is funny ! " the big hairy thing " you saw, his front or back ? Probably real Bigfoots are a lot bigger there ! I have never seen one yet. My son saw the outline of one alone when hiking last May, it was screaming like hell at him ! He, as you know has footprint pictures I posted on here a while back , and his girlfriend and him while hiking heard a big one running bi-pedally through the bushes ! Just missed seeing it ! They are elusive animals , but one was caught on film in Pennsylvania ( northwest area ) in mid- September . I'm gonna see if I can somehow get that picture on the board here and start a thread on it the next couple of days ! Thanks for sharing you " Bigfoot " story. Peace out, Mr. Flipper