Relief from being free

by LouBelle 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • LouBelle

    I've now been out of the organisation for over two years. I stay quite close to a kingdom hall - drive past it every day - whenever I look at it I have this huge sense of relief wash over me - this is every day - and is such a good feeling.

    I thank God I'm no long trapped in that organisation, that I'm not limited in what I can do.

    The sense of relief is so wonderful - I'd like to know if even after years do you still feel that.

    It feels like little champaign bubbles popping in my stomach.

  • momzcrazy

    Hi LouBelle!

    I have only been out officially 2 months. I am so happy my hubby thought I was popping pills!Pom Poms

    That leveled off until I started reading Crisis of Conscience and now I am spiking up the happy chart again.


  • dawg

    I hear you both... isn't it wonderful?

  • babygirl75

    Luckily, I hardly ever have to go past the halls around here. If I do, It reminds me of the days when I was sad, depressed, and felt like I was held under control. IT DO FEEL GOOD TO BE FREE!!!

    Momz...happy pills are good!! Good for you for being on a natural high though and not needing them!


  • UU Now
    UU Now

    I've been out for nearly 30 years, and I make a point of trying to remember that feeling, and if possible re-create it now and then, so that I don't take my freedom for granted. I remember how exciting it was, when I first left for college, to not go to a meeting on Thursday night!

  • Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit

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