I've got a "christian" friend - he's been having a hellofa time - His wife left him about 2 years ago, sued for custody, the wife gives him a hard time about seeing his kid and a whole lot of other things that I won't bore you with.
He know questions Gods' existance, simply because God hasn't waved his wand and sorted out his problems. He keeps quoting scripture and I keep telling him not to take everything so literally in the bible....He is cross with God and of course ranting and raving.
I keep trying to tell him that 1. Sometimes nonsense does just happen and it has nothing to do with God. 2. If he truly were christian he would follow God simply so things can go well with him. 3. To praise and thank God even when the going is rough.
I know it's difficult to ""keep the faith"" as it were, if you are under trials and tribulations - I just find that a lot of christians I've met have faith that is conditional. If I'm blessed I'll praise my god. But if not, well then woe is me and I shall be cross and rant and rave.