God pardoned David’s sin because of David’s sincere repentance. (Ps. 32:1-5) Likewise, a servant of Jehovah today will be disfellowshipped only if he is unrepentant or continues to practice what is bad. (Acts 3:19; 26:20) If genuine repentance is not manifest to the elders who serve on a judicial committee, they must disfellowship the person.
Let's use teenagers ( as an example ) who get disfellowshipped from the congregation due to fornication. These teens admit to the elders that they were fornicating ( due to getting caught or from a guilty conscience ). How does the elder body follow up after a teen admits to fornication the first time? Are they questioned for a time period after? How many times can someone admit to fornication where someone is declared unrepentant?
What is sincere repentance? How does the elder body know if someone is unrepentant or continues what is bad? How does someone show genuine repentance?