Young PPL Ask: Growing Up Jehovah Witness Video

by XOCO 7 Replies latest jw experiences

  • XOCO

    I've decide to take a small break from studying (see last post) since i'm up this morning i've decide to watch some videos on youtube such as:

    Hopeful Athesis

    Rick Fearon (So damn funny but serious lol)

    and Nancy-18 y/o girl who left the religion

    there are so many others but these are the ones that i really like as i was watching Nancy i like her perspective of a kid who was in the org. almost anybody and everybody can relate to it one way or another. anyways just felt like sharing

    XOCO (Slacker slow poke class)

  • WTWizard

    This video does a good job at explaining how the religion will ruin one's childhood. No friends in school. No playmates. No after-school events of any kind, unless required. No gifts (no, they don't make up for the lost Christmas and birthday gifts). They are not allowed to stay in the room if there is holiday music or other holiday events going on. Having to spend all the time in field circus. No memories of early childhood that stick out from anything else. No having Saturday mornings off to watch cartoons or to play.

    This is what leads to stagnation later. They are not supposed to go to college, because Armageddon is going to come at any time and they need to be aggressively out in field circus to have a chance of surviving (and the "May" part still haunts them). What happens is that they get jobs washing windows and scrubbing toilets for pathetic pay. They cannot save anything because of the low wage (and, even if they did manage to have a surplus, they have to donate it into the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund). They grow old and destitute, usually with families that are God machines or no families at all. And, when they become useless, they are discarded.

    I think every parent that is thinking of joining the religion should watch that video in its entirity. I think they will think twice before joining.

  • SirNose586

    She's cute.

    It lays out dubdom for kids...good video.

  • conanne

    Well, that was my childhood, but we didn't go out in service only once in a while. My parents were considered "weak" because my mom had a drinking problem and my dad never did try to put in more time or reach out for a higher standing. We'd watch mom get drunk and fight with my dad, but the next day have to go sit at the kingdumb hall and pretend we were the perfect witnesses. When I was little I had to wear old crappy garage sale clothes that half the time weren't washed because my mom was too hungover to keep the house clean. All she did was drink and go to garage sales, she didn't have a job or go out in service. And that just made it so half the time we never got invited to Witness parties either. My grandparents would try to make up for lost Christmas by bringing us gifts a week or two later and were so confused by the beliefs that they would wrap them in newspaper. hehe. Oh happy childhood memories...

  • R.Crusoe

    If it's possible to give an opinion of what it's like to have your whole life in a vice and still appear unscathed by it, she just gave it. A good observational account and one which permits others to consider the ramifications of that sort of thinking on a general population - who blame themselves if they aren't keeping up , so get stressed and try harder etc etc and experience constant failure with knock on effects to their personal day to day lives. Th ebiggest load of crock any one wanting to make a family suffer could want to foist upon them. How can anyone knock on a door thinking 'I'm loving all of this - come and join in the happy hours so God doesn't leave you to rot!'

  • shell69

    Well said Nancy.

    She said just about everything that I would have wanted to express at that age.

    If my mother were to watch that recording??? She'd say 'see the way her eyes are flicking all over the place?? She's been possesed by deemunz!'

    Its good to see that the internet has free'd people to be able to say what they really think!


  • lrkr

    Wow. I'm so glad my eyes opened before I was able to screw up my kid too much.

  • XOCO

    sorry that i did not reply back to any of the comments they were all good after watching all 3 parts i realized that if i were 2 leave the wit-hemorrhoids (JW) i would not have to deal with all the issues of jw religion and ppl pushing me to take the plunge. i'm glad that i got in to college right after high school(a big no no). i realized that i really don't have any worldly friends and my so called friends @ my KH are the elderly ppl, (Don't get me wrong they treated me very well than those kids who hung out in cliques.) i only have 1 or 2 good JW friend who calls me and tells me that i'm loved and would and haved hang out with me and thats it ( seriously).

    growing up part 2: nancy said that if she discovered something wrong and if she brought this to somebody's attention she would be labeled as an apostate. as in xoco case if i were to bring out the child abuse scandal from 3 weeks ago ppl would say that i should not believe everything u here and where did u get that info etc etc just so ppl can lynch me (aka counsle or JC). although that has not happen. it could come the more ?s i ask.

    some of the stuff that i found out (how JW got started and 1914 date) is either hard to believe or i just don't understand it completely. b/c i was and some what still am warped in the so called truth its like trying 2 find closure or understanding about all of this

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