A Radical Future Without Armageddon

by metatron 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    Human society is so focused on the present that clear thinking about the future can be difficult. It's often easier to simply write off the future

    by believing in Armageddon ( if you're religious) or some catastrophe like global warming, errant nukes, or an uncharted asteroid ( if you're

    not). Yet, there is every reason to think that radical change is only a few years away - and that religions and cultures may fade away as a

    result. What things may happen?

    Exposure of the existence of extraterrestrial life - whether microfossils from Mars or first contact on the White House lawn, the net

    effect would be devastating to anyone who still thinks the earth is utterly unique in the universe. Our fantasy of a privileged position in the

    cosmos would evaporate - and push people away from revealed religion. Radical, indeed. Simply consider how many people in power in the

    US are personally involved in fundamentalist style religion and what the effects might be.

    Exposure of a near human primate - if someone ever proves that Yetis or Bigfoot exists, it would end our sense of separation from

    animal life in a way that books on evolution never could. Only the most crazed Creationists would remain. Emotional shock would hit

    many people.

    Development of effective artificial intelligence - does it have a soul? is it alive? what is consciousness? can we download ourselves?

    can I have a relationship - with my computer? is it a person?

    Ending the aging process - while this is unlikely to happen soon, that doesn't mean that human life and health might not be greatly

    increased in the near future. It would have a radical effect of Social Security, the economy, religion , warfare and the whole social

    structure of the world.

    Development of a radical abundant energy source - not everyone who dreams about this is a crackpot. Even with what we know now,

    it is possible to conceive of a future in which you don't have to depend on centralized sources of oil or electricity. In fact, if I was an oil

    company executive, I'd be terrified. Even the Saudis know that $100 a barrel oil is a nightmare that will eventually make them irrelevant

    as research is fostered by the price. This is why they have acted as swing producers to keep the price down for so long. If you install

    solar panels, you don't rip them down just because crude drops in price. Gone will be gone.....

    While many of us have fixed beliefs about Final Questions - such as God's existence, life after death and other matters, our world in

    general still relies on fantasy and casual religious ideas. What would the world be like if all doubt was erased? If we finally knew

    it all? I'm not sure that most folks could deal with it. You could see entire nations go mad - and that's why the infamous Brookings

    report said as much to Congress about UFOs some years ago.

    The future isn't Armageddon. But it will be scary and almost equally radical.


  • changeling

    The future isn't Armageddon. But it will be scary and almost equally radical.

    I know, scary, huh?


  • eclipse

    Another excellent post, metatron.

    I agree with those statements.

  • worldtraveller

    Would someone please explain how to prepare for the end? Just how does a catastrophy pick on only "worldly People" ? I do believe the end will come-but for what purpose is selling stuff-hoarding food-or whatever when an event we cannot stop occurs that will eliminate our exsistence?

  • Dagney
    The future isn't Armageddon. But it will be scary and almost equally radical.

    Thinking very much the same.

    Live well each day, have no regrets...

  • metatron

    Let me add another radical possibility:

    Discovery of practical transmutation - sounds like alchemy, doesn't it? Except that scientists around the world are repeating 'cold

    fusion' experiments and getting results that defy normal physics. It hasn't achieved respectability yet -but neither is it simply to be ignored

    as a hoax. The Mizuno experiment produced trace amounts of gold as well as other elements. Do I have to spell it out for you?


  • BurnTheShips

    Somce cornucopians hypothesize that a time will come when a technological explosion will initiate a radical break from the past. They call this the "Singularity". The more prominent ones (Kurzweil et al) think it will happen in the first half of this century and that after this "all bets are off".


  • Satanus

    Good thread, met. I'm getting really tired of the imminent doom attitude that is so prevalent among the religious, and even the ecologically minded. Sure, a natural disaster could destroy our civilization, or seriously set it back. But, other than that, we'll be ok. Advancements in technology are always a trial and error thing. Always have been, always will be. As humans w a creative spirit, it is our nature to create, to bring higher order to this planet. We have made mistakes, and will make more mistakes. But, evolution has done the same. We carry on the evolutionary process.


  • BurnTheShips

    Well, there's also Peak Oil.



  • metatron

    Here's another:

    Functional immortality thru stem cells - not far off. I half wonder if religious types fight this technology because they realize it could

    make them irrelevant.


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