The only stipulations or rules that are really necessary are:
You shall not initiate the use of force, threat of force, coercion, or fraud against another individual or their property.
If everyone on the planet did that, there would be no need for additional rules. All the millions of do's and don'ts would not exist. Even in the Bible itself, many of the rules are spurious since consensual fornication is not initiatory force or fraud against either partner. Such acts as murder, rape, robbery and fraud would all automatically be outlawed. All you would need think about is: Is this action initiating force, threat of force, coercion, or fraud against another person or their property? If it is, then it is infringing on that person's rights. If not, then there is nothing wrong with doing it.
For sure, the Witlesses would never simplify their arrangements to this extent. They talk so much about simplification, but this would be the ultimate. No more "Quiet" and "Keep Moving" signs. No more judicial hearings because the hounders saw the Christmas tree. No more being shunned by your parents because you did not want to support a corrupt organization. No more Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund or fake deficits (which are the result of initiatory fraud). No more worrying about stumbling someone. No more worrying about watching a R-rated movie or listening to rap music. I'm sure that, under that arrangement, things would be so simplified that more people would be willing to reach out for "privileges" that would be much less burdensome. But it also means less control, which is why I don't think they will ever simplify that much.