Finally! We have power again in Astoria, Oregon. It's been off for four days. Luckily we have a gas fireplace insert and gas hot water heat! Bought a generator today, but don't need it now!! New light is getting brighter!! carmel
Yeah for New Light!
by Carmel 5 Replies latest jw friends
My son moved to North Bend, Oregon--they survived the 99mph winds, but were also out of power for a couple of days.
glad everything is better, and "Yeah for New Light!"
Heya there Carmel!
Yep, the Oregon coast got hammered pretty hard. We're still cleaning up from the trees that fell on our backyard.
Too bad about the old Sitka...but that's the way it goes, eh?
This storm system was a bit of a sneaker.
Generator back up, Generator backup, generator backup can't say it enough, an ounce of prevention equals a plethora of prevention.
Finally, clear skies and the rivers are dropping below flood stage.
Hwy 26 at Staleys was hip deep in water, and Vernonia just about got washed off the planet.
I haven't heard if I-5 at Chehalis has reopened. Think of it: the main federal highway through Washington was closed for days! Wow!
Some groups are advertsing today to switch off all lights from 8.00 p.m. to 8:05 pm as an event for awareness of the climate change. Somebody said this could create problems for the power stations if many people participate. I hope not. Approx. 2 hrs to go. (I will keep my lights switched on.)