SO freakin frustrating! Gnostic Gospels ebook...stupid PDF

by feenx 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • feenx

    Hey everybody :/

    So I bought the book The Gnostic Gospels off as I was impatient and wanted to read it versus trying to order a print version and wait for it. I figured it would be the best of both worlds because I could read it on my work computer in my down time and then I can print out whatever I wanted to read elsewhere. WRONG. Silly me...I totally spaced checking the permissions and the PDF is locked. It's encrypted with what it calls "eBook Exchange - EBX_HANDLER 128 bit security v.4." I have scowered the net trying to find a way to break this encryption so I can print off various pages, but I have yet to find anything. Every reference I've found to that specific encryption is written by people in the same dilema as myself.

    Are there any tech peeps out there that might know a work around on this PDF? Or is there anyone that has an unlocked ebook version of this book? The Gnostic Gospels by Elaine Pagels.

  • AlmostAtheist

    That ebooks site has a contact page, have you tried writing to them about it? I looked all over the site for a FAQ or a help or anything else and there doesn't seem to be anything. Pretty lame!

    Sorry I can't help, but good luck!


  • Leolaia

    Yeah I found the same help page or FAQ...

    It looks like it has the permissions set to no copying or printing, and you would need a password to open it. There are some software packages that decrypt PDFs (google "PDF decrypter"), otherwise what you can do is open the PDF and click "print screen" for each page and then edit the page in Photoshop or similar program and print the pages there.

  • Tuesday

    I can't tell you how to break the encryption but you can try to get around it, you could hit your print screen button on your computer, then paste that in MS Paint or some other drawing editor. Then Print that, it's a way around it.

  • valkyrie


    Not knowing in which country you are located or whether your country's relevant laws enjoin you from making practical use of the available remedy, the following freely available (Internet-sourced) information is provided (to be used - or not - at your informed discretion).

    First, I advise you to read the blog and comments at:

    Then, have a look at the case (referred to in the blog) at:

    This is the "end result" product (also mentioned in the blog): ELCOMSOFT PROACTIVE SOFTWARE

    Tested. Works.


  • AlphaOmega

    Feenx... you have another PM

  • feenx

    hehe Thanks again Alpha :)

  • AlphaOmega
    hehe Thanks again Alpha :)

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