My prayer for OBVES

by lovelylil 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • lovelylil


    I have joined in on your threads to give you a little kidding now and then but seriously man, I am praying for you that you have true peace in your life.

    Reading your threads it seems like you believe in the Watchtower version of God who is a very unforgiving, unmerciful God who will destroy men, women and children just because they don't understand a certain bible verse or do not understand bible chronology on a certain topic. This has got to be very frightening for you at times. To think you have to walk such a tight-rope in order to be accepted by God? I know it was frightening for me at times when I felt that way.

    It occured to me that by constantly, incessently citing your dates and bible verses you cannot possibly have true peace in your life. Think about it, the amount of time that your chronologies are consuming in your life. Wouldn't you feel more peaceful spending that time with friends or family? Or even reading some encouraging scriptures from the Bible? Ones centered on Christ's love and mercy for instance.

    Another thing you can do here on JWD is to spend time trying to get to know the posters. You may find some good friends here who can encourage and support you. I know I have.

    The truth is you seem like an angry judgemental person. You claim to be a Christian and I am one too and I want to give you some advice, o.k.? First of all, Jehovah God has subjected ALL THINGS under his Son, including the Christian church. None of us in the church of Christ (his universal body of believers) has any right to judge who really is and who is NOT accepted by God. You are so wrapped up in finding the "right" religion, you are neglecting to find the real truth which is The Son of God himself!

    So please stop judgeing who is and is not a true Christian. And that goes for Judgeing non-believers too. I am fully convinced God is not partial and if he has a salvation plan in effect for mankind, that plan includes everyone. Believer or non-believer! Judging others is time consuming and robs you of peace in your life and makes you an angry person.

    I would also advise you my friend, to take a moment to step back and open the New Testament and read about Christ, who is the chief perfector of our faith, and spend time meditating on his love and mercy. Why? Because it is not bible knowledge or getting everything "right" that is important. Jesus himself says he wants "mercy and not sacrifice". He time and time again repremanded the religious leaders of his day for observing the laws to the letter, but treating people in an unjust and harsh way. Remember the example of the Good Samaritan? We are to love our nieghbors which means the WHOLE WORLD. If you truly are a Christian you are to follow Christ's example and stop judgeing everyone around you and extend mercy and love in their direction.

    If you or any other "christian" feels you are somehow in a superior position over non-believers because you feel you understand the bible better, then I feel sorry for you. Because the truth of Christ is not living in you and you are decieving yourself.

    I will be happy to give you some encouraging scriptures to meditate on if you want. Feel free to pm me. Again, I am only wishing you peace.

    I have decided not to engage in any more of your debates because I feel I am contributing to robbing you of peace in your life and I will continue to pray for you that you may also recieve the Mind of Christ. I would encourage other Christians who have been trying in vain to help OBVES see the "true light" by sharing scriptures with him to just back off from him a while and pray for him.

    Wishing you the peace that excels all thought, Lilly

  • AlmostAtheist

    We've got some EXCELLENT Christians on this board. You rock, Lil.



    LovelyLil..It`s my understanding Obves thinks he`s funny..And..Doesn`t understand why anyone else doesen`t get the joke,except DeconBlue......Obves has a fan club,of one..Bravo.......................Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • snowbird

    The WTS stands in the way of anyone who tries to go to Jesus.

    They are like the hired man of John chapter 10.

    Thank you for pointing that out to Obves.


  • worldtraveller

    I am not that familiar with The Trinity, but I believe it has a lot to do with Jesus. I was wondering -what would Jesus think about all this confusion and disrespect. If someone has time, if it's not too hard, would someone give me a brief summary on the Trinity, and why JW's are indifferent towards Jesus and what he stands for. Thanks all.

  • lovelylil


    This thread is mostly for OBVES. But the trinity Q is a good one. It has been discussed many times here on JWD. I am not good at searching for Threads so perhaps someone out there on JWD can assist you with this by giving you some links. Or, you may want to start your own thread for a trinity discussion? Peace, Lilly

  • lfcviking

    Sometimes i wonder if OBVES is just trying to wind us all up and having a little laugh to himself.

  • cyd0099

    I agree with Dave, you rock Lil. Here's hoping the O-man takes the time to read this

  • bebu


    Lil, thanks for saying that, and saying it so well!!!


    ditto class

  • blueviceroy

    I'm afraid your throwing your pearls among the swine Lil.

    You are a fine human being , I believe your love would be better spent on another human that could benefit from it.

    Reaching out to this particular human is an exercise in futility. Your sentiment is beautiful.

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