Part #1 cancellation of Jan 08 campaign, page 3 contents:
Part #2 show love for molesters -
Now Part #3... What? You read it and didn't see the New Light?
Shortly after this brochure was released at the 2004 District Cornvention, I think it was Lyman Swingle that was Bethel Morning Worship chairman and quoted this from the brochure, saying it was new light:
REVELATION, the last book of the Bible, alerts us to the fact that an angel flying in midheaven has "everlasting good news to declare as glad tidings." He says in a loud voice: "Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of the judgment by him has arrived." (Revelation 14:6, 7) That ‘hour of judgment’ includes both the pronouncement and the execution of divine judgment. An "hour" is a relatively short period of time. It comes as the climax of "the last days." We live in that time now.—2 Timothy 3:1.
The arrival of ‘the hour of judgment’ is good news to lovers of righteousness. It is a time when God will bring relief to his servants, who have suffered at the hands of this violent, loveless system of things.
He repeated several times that it was "new light" that we were in the "final hour". Afterward, I discussed it with some others. Did we suspect that this "hour" was now to take the place of the "generation"? Yes, we suspected that would be the intent. Did anybody in Bethel buy this application as at all relevant? Nope. Some material gets tried out in Bethel before the R&F. This was met with a yawn.
Are there any other ex-bethelites out there that recall this MW?
So many things troubled me about this brochure, I included the second paragraph above just to note how I thought at the time of reading it...
The arrival of ‘the hour of judgment’ is good news to lovers of righteousness. It is a time when God will bring relief to his servants, who have suffered at the hands of this violent, loveless
system of things., ungrateful, false prophecying religious organization led by nut cases.
The rest of the section goes on to describe the wickedly evil wickedness of Satan's demonically wicked Babylon the Greatish falsely Satanic religious system that everyone needs to get out of.
Okay, this concludes rant #3. Next up, when I get around to it... "Who's this stuff written for?"