Lots of Newbies Posting: Welcome!

by Room 215 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Hi all,

    My impression is that recently a lot of erstwhile lurkers have progressed to the ``newbie'' class, and taken the plunge to begin communicating with the rest of us. A most hopeful sign that thoughtful inquiry and just plain ol' curiosity is still alive, if not exactly well, in Watchowerland.
    What did God tell Elijah, that there was still ``7,000 left in Israel that had not bowed down to Baal?''

  • mommy

    I agree Room

    I feel like a duck outta water here sometimes, especially after coming out of my recent sabbatical. So I am putting in a Welcome to the newbies too, one day I may get your names right...lol This really is a wonderful place that Simon has provided, and I am so glad I found it.

    Blind faith can justify anything.~Richard Dawkins

  • ozziepost

    To all those who have "progressed" i.e. made your 'first comment' we give a big


    "It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness."

  • dyan4help

    To everyone,
    Thank you for being here. The kind people in the chat gave me great advice to help me turn my life back around. I was afraid to take the first step.

  • Cessca

    Hi everyone,
    Lurking about I came across this post and decided to take the plunge.
    There is so much information on this site and I am enjoying it immensely.


  • slipnslidemaster

    Hi guys! Don't be shy just jump right in!! It's fun we are all basically good people and we have a couple of laughs and poke holes/fun at the GB.



    Slipnslidemaster:"The average person thinks he isn't."
    - Father Larry Lorenzoni

  • California Sunshine
    California Sunshine

    Hello to all the new ones

    Lots of good stuff here.

    Keep posting

    Sunny (thanks for my new nikname Msil)

    minds are like parachutes--they only function when open.

  • Simon

    I feel bad that I don't always have the time to welcome each new person like it used to be possible to do.

    Seems like all of a sudden you notice a new name and realise that they've made a hundred or so posts already !

    Welcome to everyone that I've missed and thanks for joining in

  • slipnslidemaster

    You know Simon, I was just thinking the same thing.

    Slipnslidemaster:"The average person thinks he isn't."
    - Father Larry Lorenzoni

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