The last 3 circuit assemblys that i attended the following was announced - " A snake has been sighted in the gardens around our assembley hall. Please keep your children out of the garden areas"
The first time this was announced there were a few gasps from concerned parents. The second time there was less reaction. The third time just sounded rediculous!
I know this is very trivial, but i thought "Why not just say' keep your kids out of the garden areas please Brothers?' "
I knew, and most people knew they were making it up. From an organisation that forbids lying, it's just lame! ......I'll bet a million bucks that next assembly there will be a snake in the garden.
Which reminds me of another announcement that i became sick of hearing ( Usually after Sunday lunch break ) - " We thankyou Brothers and Sisters for your support in paying the costs for use of this wonderful meeting place. However, we still have a deficit of 3-4 thousand dollars. We trust that with your generosity we can cover that cost, ....You may be seated....."
Since i can remember, we have ALWAYS been running at a deficit around Sunday Lunch. Funny that. If the JW's own the hall outright, does it really cost that much to meet there for 2 days? I very much doubt that.
And back to the snake. Who used a snake as part of a lie in the past?