Yes - it's one of my flashes of memories again:
I remember how when someone new and really eager and zealous came along, at some point in the conversation (or later) it would be brought up how these new JWs (newly baptized) were so "square" (in my language), meaning they were so strict, by-the-book, rigid. Whereas those who had been in longer were more "round", as in more relaxed, not so bothered by the "details"... I remember joking about how newly baptized people should have a year or two of "quarantine" from the field ministry, because they were being too assertive.
Now that I remember it so many years later, it's actually rather interesting. Because what was it that actually happened there?
Well - what happened of course was that these new JWs actually read the WBTS literature and lived strictly by it! While those who had been in for a long time were more 'relaxed' about it. -Figured some of the teachings were just too strict, and some were baseless and... well - people were basically "waiting on Jehovah" to sort out the details later. Few "oldies" were really strict, about a number of things.
Was this the case in your congregation(s)?
I'm guessing it may vary.