What money was used to settle these cases? The world wide work contributions? Has anyone written to them to clarify this issue?
Writing to the WTS regarding the child abuse payouts. What money was used?
by jambon1 4 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Good Question.
They will never answer you if you write
skyking; yea, just like my wife when I ask her to be honest about the WTS doctrines. No answer. Tears and tantrums but no answer!
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
When asking for cash from householders, we were taught to say something like, "If you'd like to make a small donation to our worldwide Bible education work, I'd be happy to accept." Clearly, they'd better be able to come up with a straight answer on the abuse payouts. Otherwise it will need to be changed to, "If you'd like to make a huge donation to our worldwide Bible education work and the Watchtower pedophile victim hush-money, attorney, and legal fees fund, I'd be happy, and ashamed, to accept."
I would surely love it if an "elder" wrote to the society about this and posted it. Millions of dollars from the contribution box and "worldly" people? For shame.....