Allowed to name and shame publicly?

by shell69 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • shell69
  • skyking

    Explain what you are asking?

  • shell69

    If you know people that were instrumental to your absolute exit, and more than that, your loss of imiediate loved family.

    Can I name them all?

  • AlphaOmega

    I'm guessing that if you are going to name alledged abusers or anything that is not proved in a court, the answer would be no.

    But maybe with careful use of language - like on "Have I Got News For You", you might get away with it

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    That depends

    If you mean naming individuals you want to shame for personal reasons it will be removed

    Want to shame a pedophile? Well they won't get it anyway so what is the point?

    Unless a person's actions have caused him or her to be reported in the NEWS, (newspaper, radio, TV, court documents, you can expect that it will be moved off the board

  • AlphaOmega

    Wow... I'm starting to sound like a Mod I think I'll pop over to the Threadkiller thread, post, then lock it and win

  • shell69

    Okay everyone Sincere apologies in advance if you have to remove a post I made earlier.

    I'm not naming a peodophile, although I could name a few.

    Sincere apoligies again. I was venting in a post.

    I'll remember for next time I'm feeling ''''''argh'''''




  • AlphaOmega

    Ah... was that the duplicate thread that flashed up and then vanished ?

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