Allowed to name and shame publicly?
by shell69 7 Replies latest jw friends
Explain what you are asking?
If you know people that were instrumental to your absolute exit, and more than that, your loss of imiediate loved family.
Can I name them all?
I'm guessing that if you are going to name alledged abusers or anything that is not proved in a court, the answer would be no.
But maybe with careful use of language - like on "Have I Got News For You", you might get away with it
Lady Lee
That depends
If you mean naming individuals you want to shame for personal reasons it will be removed
Want to shame a pedophile? Well they won't get it anyway so what is the point?
Unless a person's actions have caused him or her to be reported in the NEWS, (newspaper, radio, TV, court documents, you can expect that it will be moved off the board
Wow... I'm starting to sound like a Mod I think I'll pop over to the Threadkiller thread, post, then lock it and win
Okay everyone Sincere apologies in advance if you have to remove a post I made earlier.
I'm not naming a peodophile, although I could name a few.
Sincere apoligies again. I was venting in a post.
I'll remember for next time I'm feeling ''''''argh'''''
Ah... was that the duplicate thread that flashed up and then vanished ?