I know about the 'new light' that is about to come out, and I fully realize how this will greatly extend the 'last days'. What I am wondering is, where is it stated that the anointing process is still taking place or has taken place in the past few years?
the anointed
by My Struggle 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Is this the quote you are after
Watchtower 2007 May 1 p.31
“Thus it appears that we can not set a specific date for when the calling of Christians to the heavenly hope ends.” -
Is this the quote you are after
Watchtower 2007 May 1 p.31
“Thus it appears that we can not set a specific date for when the calling of Christians to the heavenly hope ends.”Did the sentence prior to that say: "Our previous interpretations have been proved completely impossible, so we need to come up with something that will give us more mileage."?
Did the sentence prior to that say: "Our previous interpretations have been proved completely impossible, so we need to come up with something that will give us more mileage."?
LOL - it should have. It was not so long ago they said:
Watchtower 1995 February 15 p.19
“Logically, the calling of the little flock would draw to a close when the number was nearing completion, and the evidence is that the general gathering of these specially blessed ones ended in 1935.”I wonder if that was the same logical evidence that the last days started in 1914?
*** w99 2/1 p. 19 Our Treasure in Earthen Vessels ***
At a Gilead graduation in 1970, Frederick Franz, then vice-president of the Watch Tower Society, told the students of the possibility that they, who were all of the other sheep with earthly hopes, might baptize someone who might claim to be of the anointed remnant. Could this happen? Well, he explained that John the Baptist was of the other sheep, and he baptized Jesus and some of the apostles. Then he went on to ask whether there still was a call for gathering in more of the remnant. "No, no more additions!" he said. "That call ended way back there in 1931-35! There are no more additions. Who, then, are the few newly associated ones who are partaking of the Memorial emblems? If they are of the remnant, they are replacements! They are, not additions to the ranks of the anointed, but replacements for those who may have fallen away."
The "replacement" process could go one for centuries.
Homerovah the Almighty
The sacramental bullshit, what to do ?
“Thus it appears that we can not set a specific date for when the calling of Christians to the heavenly hope ends.”
Obviously since thousands upon thousands more than the 144,000 have come out and proclaimed to be the anointed .
This is just an attempt to spin the bullshit to make them look viable.
Remember it is their initiative and important agenda to make them look like the one and only true religion.
How do you accomplish this, easy just spin scripture interpretation to your liking.
It is an intensional human trait in most of us to be something greater than the usual in developing are personal identity in context of are social living.
Thats why there will continue to be persons who will proclaim to be of the anointed class as long as the JWS are around.
marking this thread for future reference.