JDub love

by Yerusalyim 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Yerusalyim

    My wife's exhusband Garry, called last night. He's is kicking his 18 year old son out of the house at the behest of his new wife,Yvonne. Sean is 18 and is Autistic. He's not really a problem, just has some quirky behavior that is amusing when he's not frustrating you directly (he plays 20 questions but it's usually more like 100 questions). This is the second son that is being kicked out. Barry (20) was kicked out 2 years ago. When the 13 year old reaches 17, I'm sure it will be his turn too.

    Yvonne has two daughters, both over the age of 18, Yvonne and Garry have bought each a car, they live at home, cause just as much trouble as the boys, but are still in their good graces.

    Garry has sold out his boys for poontang, Yvonne is a spiteful witch. A true loving JW home. Barry, the 20 year old, even made the comment that neither his dad or his step mom, who are supposed to be good JW's have displayed much christian love, and that our non JW home is more Christian in attitude.

    All three boys are active JW's when they're with their dad, the girls that belong to Yvonne fight about going to meetings and are kinda worldy in many ways. When the boys are with me the only one interested in meetings is Sean, but he goes to church with me first.

    JW's really are a family oriented bunch, huh.

    I'm a bit disappointed in Garry, pissed at Yvonne, and hurting for my wife, who is wounded for her children's sake.

    "Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
    [Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]

  • mommy

    That sux I was 16 when my loving JW mom kicked me out. I didn't party, do drugs, drink, nothing that a "normal" JW teen does to be expelled from the home. I asked too many questions about the beliefs of the org. I moved out and started studying immediatly with a sister, and regularly went to meetings and field service. See I had to work 4 jobs just to keep my head above water.

    I awoke between 3 and 4 am for my paper route. After that I had time for breakfast and a shower. Then off to my waitressing job, I usually worked a double shift on Wed and Fridays, 7:30 am until 9 or 10 at night. Monday I had my study so I just worked the AM shift and well Tuesday and Thursday nights were filled with the meetings. Friday nights after my double shift I went to a woman's home and "watched" her as she was elderly and unable to take care of herself. Her husband also needed care, but I rarely ever dealt with him. Of course I never slept due to being in a strange home, and her getting up every 2 hours and needing to go pody. Saturdays I spent with her doing minimal tasks around the home, and being extremly uncomfortable I did learn alot from her though she spoke several languages and was also a professor so tons of stories, when she was lucid enough to tell me. After my shift there I went straight to a couples home who had 3 children. I spent the evening taking care of them and loving every second of it. Usually after they went to bed, I caught up on the sleep I missed the day before. Sundays was my meeting and service day, if I wasn't called into work Sunday afternoon. And Sunday night I had the night off...ahhhhhhh

    I didnt do the paper route on the weekends because I was unable to. I had no vehicle and walked my route, with the larger load on the weekend it would have taken me hours to do so my manager took over on the weekend. Did I mention I had no vehicle? Yes, I had to walk everywhere or use public transportation. Which I guess is a good thing, I have thighs of steel

    I guess in my next life I will be careful what questions I ask and to whom. Of course I never realized that a parent would not be receptive to their own child's enquiring mind..lol

    Blind faith can justify anything.~Richard Dawkins

  • Yerusalyim


    ALl I can say is WOW! I hope life is a bit easir for you these days. You've paid your dues and then some.

    "Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
    [Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]

  • pettygrudger

    Yeru - why are the boys being/been thrown out? I have a 5 y.o w/sever autism - so I understand quirky behavior to say the least!

    Perhaps they will be better off w/you. Does the 18 y.o receive services to help transition into workplace/college?

    I'm sorry this is happening to you and your wife - it makes no sense.

    Mommy - I was kicked out at 16 too, and didnt' do drugs, drink, smoke or nothing - just was df'd. It is hard when you're struggling to finish school & have enough money to make ends meet.

  • Yerusalyim


    I'm sure the boys will be better off with us. We're going to try to get the 13 year old permanently also. Why are they being kicked out. In my opinion, because Yvonne is the wicked step mother. She loves her own kids, but wants nothing to do with Garry's kids. Garry is PW and won't make a stand, WIMP! The boys aren't bad boys, no more hyper than your average teen. Yvonne inherited teenaged boys, she doesn't know how to handle them.

    Personally, I'm quite glad this is happening, but the pain the boys experience from being cast out by their dad is something I can not comprehend. Were the boys true hell raisers or druggies, or something like that I could maybe understand her position. THEY AREN'T.

    "Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
    [Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]

  • Tina

    Sorry to hear this.
    Yeah more Jw family love...I got kicked out at 15.They do do love to throwaway people dont' they? The streets are a hard and fast lesson in survival,and aslo finding REAL love and caring.
    I totaly rebelled against everything. I was an honor student,worked after school since the 8th grade....... not gonna blame it all on JWdom tho.Lots of serious family dysfunction went on that had nothing to do with it.
    But it sure doesn't teach them how to cope healthily,seek professional help(gasp).They aren't taught the strength of character to deal honestly with probs. After all the 'new system' was coming(soon) and the elders had all the answers,didnt they? great family counselors (NOT) etc. But rememebr this is a 'religion' that continually spouts and crows about the 'love' among themselves. How that's their 'identifier'. NOT. As others have mentioned their definition of love is the most hypocritcal,conditional and distorted one . They claim to live by higher moral and ethical standards than anyone else on this planet as brought out ad nauseum in their publications.NOT
    Anyway,wishing you and your wife strength and courage.Tina

    Jehovahs Witnesses,Proudly Serving Their Corporate Masters!

  • jschwehm


    I was on the Yahoo chat room with the JWs yesterday. A lady who was not a JW but has been visited by them was there. Her and I started a conversation when she remarked about how mean and insulting the active JWs in the room are. She said that they seem like very miserable people. I wonder if that is why the Society does not want the JWs on the net.

    In any case, the JWs are clueless when it comes to what unconditional love is. Afterall, the god they worship (the organization) loves them on the condition that they follow all of the organization's rules and keeps those publication sales up.

    Jeff S.

  • pettygrudger

    Yeru - again I'm sorry - but this might be a blessing in disguise as you have mentioned. Perhaps will make it easier to get custody of the 13 y.o. with the whole family on your side.

    It also makes more "witnesses" of this religion. this is so typical such as Tina & Mommy have pointed out - they are very good at casting out ones who make life a little difficult (and what teenage boy doesn't?).

    Garry will have to live with his decision - as these boys get older & start families of their own - who's gonna want to share their lives with him? You reap what you sow - so I hope da "p" was worth it.

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