I would like to find WT/AW article that says the congregation might forgive certain sinners, but Jehovah might not forgive them or Jehovah might still use them and still kill them or something along those lines. Thanks for your help!
Unforgivable sin (still being used in the congregation?)
by averyniceguy 4 Replies latest watchtower bible
While I do not have the article(s), I definitely think it's a game. They deliberately hide what an unforgivable sin is to make people live in dread of committing it. You commit fornication, and you have to worry about it. You masturbate, and again you have to worry that Jehovah will use you but then hold that against you. You take that coffee break, and it's the same. Go in at 4 when they feel you could have stayed out until 4:05 and got that one last call (the one that takes forever), and you have to wonder if that is the unforgivable sin or it will somehow be held against you at Armageddon.
What they don't want you to know is that sin against the holy spirit is actually finding out the real truth. Because once you do that, there is no way they can brainwash you with that scam. You can do the other sins, and still think you blew it. They blew that secret when they hinted that, if you feel guilty about it, you probably didn't sin against the holy spirit. Why? Because, if you feel bad about doing it, you are still held in the illusion. If you see through the illusions, you will not feel bad that you went and did it.
I have a different view of what constitutes the unforgivable sin. My view is that, when a person devotes his life to controling others in an unfair way, preventing people from living a fulfilling life, then that person becomes a humanoid. Most worldly people, even criminals, do not fit that description. The examples of such humanoids are Hitler, Stalin, Ted Jaracz, and Albert Schroeder. They wanted nothing more than to control masses of people, and they did not care how much it cost society or those people to do it. In that way, they interfere with people finding fulfillment (note that here we go again with the oral sex issue). And this does permanent damage to society.
I definitely think it's still being used in the congregations. They want people to be afraid that they have sinned against the holy spirit or will if they don't get rid of that rap CD or spend that extra 15 minutes out in field circus. Of course, you will never hear them mention that the "sin against the holy spirit" is seeing through the illusions or helping others to see through the illusions. Because, once you see through the illusions, even if you go through the motions or they succeed in recapturing you, you will never again believe their lies like you did when you first went through.
Not on the subject of the "unforgivable sin against the H/spirit (which is supposed to include those of us on here, who have turned against the 'faithful discreeet slave') but this dire warning was issued some years ago to those with a "roving eye" :-
w83 3/15 p. 29 Honor Godly Marriage! ***
"Are there any circumstances under which a Christian may go further and obtain a divorce with freedom to remarry? Remember, Jesus counseled, "What God has yoked together let no man put apart." But he went on to indicate that there could be a proper ground for divorce, for he said: "Whoever divorces his wife, except on the ground of fornication, and marries another commits adultery."—Matthew 19:6, 9; see also 5:32.
Does this mean that if a Christian tires of a marriage mate or ‘falls in love’ with another person, he can freely use some situation involving fornication to change partners? Sad to say, in some cases where both partners claim to be believers, the device of committing fornication (usually adultery) has been used in a scheming and willful way to break Scriptural marriage ties. Can such ones be so foolish as to think that Jehovah does not know the "thoughts and intentions of the heart"? (Hebrews 4:12, 13) Such seem to have taken the viewpoint that they can commit immorality deliberately, be disfellowshipped for a year or so, and then with a new marriage mate "repent" and be reinstated in the congregation.
In such a case, however, considerable time should elapse before elders could even entertain any request for reinstatement. Conscientious elders would not be hasty. They need to see very clear evidence of fruits befitting repentance. Even if such a sinner were in due course reinstated, it would be many years, if ever, before the elders could recommend him for special privileges in the congregation, and in any event not before the remarriage or death of the innocent mate. (1 Timothy 3:2, 12) We can appreciate the seriousness of this sort of planned adultery before Jehovah God by recalling that under his righteous Law in ancient Israel adulterers would have been stoned to death. (Deuteronomy 22:22) And today, whatever congregations may decide, Jehovah is the ultimate Judge. "God will judge fornicators and adulterers."
BluesBrother, That is a very good find! Thanks! I would like to see more articles, anyone?
July 15th 2007 had an article on sunning against the holy spirit. I think blondie did a run down on that one.
This post contains the link to the scary subliminal triangle.