Crosses, Flags and JWs....

by lavendar 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • lavendar

    My husband and I (we are not JWs) were at dinner the other night, and we were talking about JWs and how FLAGS and CROSSES are reviled by them. Well, my husband I guess was feeling silly and thought it would be fun to walk into a Kingdom Hall on Sunday, with him wearing a T-shirt w/ a big American flag on the front......and I would wear a large cross around my neck. Heh heh

    That got me thinking......what WOULD they do? What do you think the reaction would be? Just curious......

  • Junction-Guy

    Strange looks at first, then they would stumble over themselves to be the first one to try to convert you from your christian,patriotic lifestyle.

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    I have a about a 6.5 x 3.5 inch tattoo of a cross on my arm, that being said, a few years ago I was invited to attend a meeting by a JW friend, he knows how I am but is pretty cool with it. I accepted his invitation and went to thursday night meeting with him, oh I wore a short sleeve shirt and put my arm across the chair next to me, and I wanted to sit up from, 3rd row I believe, I could feel the eyes on me, oh what fun

  • Vivamus
    Strange looks at first, then they would stumble over themselves to be the first one to try to convert you from your christian,patriotic lifestyle.

    Yep, I agree with that !! Do, I wonder what would happn if you would continu to kiss your cross. But then again, maybe that would be pushing it ....

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    I forgot about this, but once at a JW funeral, that was inside the kingdumb hall I made the sign of the cross at the end of the prayer, I did it with out really meaning to, I got a dirty look from my aunt who was sittng across the alsle.

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