the FBI's Project Megiddo (PM) report

by Mindchild 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mindchild

    "Project Megiddo" is the FBI's strategic assessment of the potential for domestic terrorism in the United States. The report generated under Project Megiddo states the intent was "to analyze the potential for extremist criminal activity in the United States by individuals or domestic extremist groups who profess an apocalyptic view of the millennium or attach special significance to the year 2000."

    The following quote is from this article:"The Making of Project Megiddo & THE SECRET AGENDA TO DESTROY CHRISTIANITY IN AMERICA"


    The FBI Project Megiddo report is about religion and the Bible. It's about the government's perception of Christians who choose to live in strict conformity with Biblical teaching instead of what is simply "socially acceptable." It is about the government's view of people's interpretations of Bible prophecy. The report even discusses government's own role in some of the envisioned "end of the world" scenarios.

    In Project Megiddo, belief that the Bible includes prophecies about the "end times" and the "War of Armageddon" is equated exclusively with "Apocalyptic cults" and the teachings of "Christian Identity." The belief that there will be a "one world government" which will require everyone to "identify" themselves to "the system" with what is called the "mark of the beast" is associated exclusively with Christian Identity teaching. In the report, both of these groups are portrayed as threats to society. Conversely, the non-Christian members of law enforcement, and of the public, must conclude that everyone who expresses belief in these "prophesied events" belongs to one or both of these alleged violent groups. The effect is the equivalence of an APB on Christianity.

    The Project Megiddo report lends no credence or legitimacy to the notion that the Bible is a dependable source for information about prophecies concerning Christ's return. The government report makes no mention of the fact that, to most Christians, Bible prophecy is an integral part of Christian life. Neither does it recognize that the fulfillment of Bible prophecy is in fact at the very core of the Christian faith.

    <end snip>

    You guys can read the actual FBI report with Adobe Acrobat at this link:

    You can read lots of commentaries about this report from pissed off Christians at this website:

    I'm wondering if this report influenced the Borg not to set a date for Armaggedon again.


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    I recall reading about "Project Megiddo" before the big "Y2K" non-event. I wasn't overly impressed with it then.

    Catchy title, though, isn't it? No surprise that someone in a predominately Judeo-Christian culture would see the emotional value of such a title and try to ride its coat-tails.

  • celebrate

    Help me out -- isn't this a film about the end of the world. One of the Christian TV stations was interviewing people saying Project Megiddo was the most attended films in America. (a bit of a stretch!)

    Again, don't you think the FBI has better things to do, especially now? I love it when people say things like this. Persecution is everywhere and nowhere. And before we say the FBI is trying to discredit Christians, let us not forget, J. Edgar Hoover was a great Christian who attended church every Sunday!

  • Rex B13
    Rex B13

    Mindchild has already shown his posts to be unreliable and about the level of the Weekly World News. I wonder if he is really Big Jim under a new name.

  • Mindchild

    Why are you whining Rex?

    It would appear that you don't seem to like news or knowledge. How are my post unreliable? I don't mind you stating a diverse opinion or disagreeing with me but don't whimper about it, just state the facts man and let others judge for themselves if your mental concepts have any validity.

    As far as Big Jim, don't know who he is, don't care. I'm me.


  • Rex B13
    Rex B13

    I noticed you had no substantial answer for my trashing of your last posted bull.... article. Like Big Jim, you post any stupid idea just as long as it critisizes Christianity. I'm not whining at you, I just don't respect you.

  • Mindchild


    Sometimes there is no need to answer a post when someone has already done a fine job of showing their view, ridiculous or not. In the example you mentioned, I thought any thinking person could easily judge the merits of your posting without my contributing any further arguement. In simple terms, I felt your response was laughable.

    Now, if the subject matter was say more controversial and debatable, then, if I felt like it, I would make a response. Typically, I don't have time to waste on Trolls, obessive-compulsive types, angry people, or mind deadened JW's or fanatics. You can always be assured though that I recognize these disfunctional types and feel pity for the damage done by their various exposure to religious mind viruses, especially the Christian type.

    You may not respect me, that is certainly you choice but I have no respect for the mental sickness that pretends to offer salvation. I normally don't take disrespect to the personal level because I recognize that people have just contracted a deleterious disease, that of religion, and anything I can do to help people see how badly they have been infected is cool.

    So, to sum things up, in the future if you want some debate, do a better job with your logic and find a topic worthy of debating. If you don't like news or anything negative about religion, I would simply suggest you ignore my posts from now on.

    Finally, if you really want to make my day, send me some hate mail. I've wanted to make a collection of it and you would be the first one in my collection.


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