Last Days per WBTS

by bobld 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • bobld

    I did not want to start a new topic but I didn't know where to put it.The WBTS says we are living in the last days because God has allowed mankind enough time to prove he can't rule himself,Jer.10:23.The WBTS was changed their mind on Blood by allowing the use of fractions due to advances in medical technology.Well you say what has that got to do with the last days.What about the advances in the Human Genome.If man is given enough time maybe he can fine the defective gene that God put in the first humans.They can fine a cure and correct it.Then man can live forever.If God ends this system now,he did not give science a chance.The WBTS should not put the blame on faulty Gov't, for all the bad things in the world.Like I said science is in the first nonosecond of research in the Human Genome.God has to give them at least 1 billion years.After that he can do what he wants.


  • heathen

    That's a very strange outlook you have there. Science can't offer immortality , time and circumstance would get you eventually . The WTBTS blood dogma is a load of BS . They use the mosaic law to state God doesn't like us eating blood which is the same as a transfusion .It's really nuts how they OK the fractions and vaccinations which use blood but for the transfusion to save a life is taboo .We are no longer under mosaic law and if people die because of not using whatever means to save them is nothing more than murder .IMO

  • Satans little helper
    Satans little helper

    will we take the gene to court in order to fine it?

  • WTWizard

    Maybe God never did mean for man to have an actually fair chance. Every time man is on his way to solving his problems, god barges in and ruins it. He did that just as they were going to successfully build a city and create value in Babel--God busted that up. God also ruined the Canaanites, just as they were about to push civilization into a golden era. God also busted up ancient Greece before it could get mankind out of stagnation.

    And now, He is at it again. Science is on the edge of finding the defects that God put in us. I feel that, when science is about to undo the sxxx that God did to us, He is going to find some way (perhaps using the FDA or other regulators, or creating new ones, or even directly fouling up all the records and data) to ruin that effort, too. However, I do not expect God to actually fix the problems. He never did mean for us to live in a paradise with no troubles--rather, He would use that as a carrot to get people to waste their time and resources worshiping Him while creating the illusion that He cares for us.

  • Xavier1

    Hello Bobold,

    Could you please tell us in which Watchtower or Awake do you read this information regarding scientific's advance.


  • Philippus79

    Hi Bobold! Although a bit exaggerated, I think your comment holds a theoretical truth. MAYBE it could be done...someday. But that would mean, that God's intervention would ALWAYS be unjustified. Man and Satan (for those who still believe the Bible) could always say, sorry too early, we need another 100 years. Thus it would never be clarified if Satan's challenge was just and in all the future a angel could rightfully rebell again and say it was too short give me a try... You see that a premature intervention just wouldn't answer the question if man is ultimately better off without God. So from a theological standpoint the global situation must come to a point of no return. The human race must come to the point of total self-annihilation. Only if we reach that point it will be proven without doubt that denying God's principles and his minimum set of rules, putting self-interest first, does lead to corruption is ultimately fatal. I appreciate that this is a "theological" reply but I believe that there are many out there who saw/see the corruption in the WT but have nontheless kept their faith in God and the Bible. So for those, this might be a point to consider. Regards, Phil

  • Paralipomenon

    Someone did a study on death that I enjoyed.

    Ruling out death from sickness or old age they calculated how long a person would live before they would end up dying due to unforeseen circumstances.

    The average was twelve thousand years.


  • bobld

    Thanks for your input:To,Heathen.maybe not forever but a longer than 100 years or so.TO.WTWizard I like you point of view.

    Xavier1,see WT:QFR-Oct1,94,June1,90,June 1,94 and June 15,04.Oct15,2000 Nov06KM.Aug2006 Awake.Tipical WTBS circular reasoning.

    Philippus79-Satan's challenge.Just a question, was it a challenge to rulership or a statement?For example if I say to you jump off a 50 story bldg it won't kill you.What would your reply be or would you believe me and go ahead and jump.Is it my fault that you are dead or was it your poor judgement.Now is it my fault that that those who jump off tall bldging and kill themselves.Did not God create humans with intelligence.Please help me see how a question by Satan turns into rulership,sovereighty,vindication of a name,etc,etc,


  • greendawn

    Correct, there is no rationality in banning whole blood but not parts and indeed substantial parts of it. And what will say the relatives of those that died by being prevented to use blood fractions further back in time when they were banned? It has to be ritual murder.


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