Probably the main and most agreeable effect of the ingestion of Cannabis is it enables the mind to pursue thoughts along a theme. The immagination is released from its circular bondage to pursue one thought after another along a stout central theme and recognizing related ideas going off along the way just like branches along a limb. This enhancement of mental capacity is very satisfying and can be enthrawling. Certainly it results in the acquisition of new, different perspectives, that is new and different evaluation of behaviour and goals and preferences. It is this beneficial and pleasant effect which draws people back to use it again and again.
Ingestion of the male Cannabis plant produces these effects because it contains THC.
Once one has ingested THC then one has knowledge of good (as described above) and one then and then only also acquires a new understanding of bad, that is bad is the absence of THC. Thus is the male Cannabis plant aptly named "Tree of knowledge of good and bad," because only through the experience of Cannabis (THC) ingestion can one gain knowledge of good and as a corollary one thereby becomes aware that bad is the absence of Cannabis (THC).
In the whole world the only source of THC is the Cannabis plant.