The problem is that the Witlesses are being programmed to be closed minded. This has been going on most of their existence, and is stepping up now. They are told not to go to college. They are told that the Internet is bad. They will take TV programs that criticize the organization, even news articles, as lies. They have been told not to look at other religions' literature. They will not even talk to apostates that have questioned the organization and got wretched answers or none at all. They have been told not to study the Bible independently or in small groups or without using the Watchtower litter-ature. They have also been told not to independently research the validity of the Watchtower doctrines.
With all this, they do not trust anything that doesn't come from the Governing Body. Unless it comes from the Witchtower, they will not trust it. Editorials are lies. The news is lying (hence, business as usual for Witlesses once they are exposed for harboring pedophiles on mainstream news sources). You cannot tell them anything that clashes with their doctrine, for that would be independently studying the Bible or researching the doctrine. Obviously, the Witchtower litter-ature is not going to say anything damning about the organization, at least until it goes out of date.
At which point, they simply put out new litter-ature. And, they ask people to not believe what is in the old litter-ature. That is the Flash of New Light. When that happens, they are asked to disregard the Old Light. After that point, you can point out the information in the old litter-ature and they will simply disregard it. As I see it, every avenue of getting these people to see that they are not in the truth has been blocked by the leaders. And, I cannot see anyone that is totally entrenched to ever find their way out of a nefarious organization that has perfected the art of creating illusory "reality".