Call for Art Work for ex-members of a cult or high demand organization

by blondie 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    For Bryan

    An email I recieved:

    Call for Art Work for ICSA 2008 Conference
    Phoenix Project Ex-member Art and Literary Works

    If you are an ex-member of a cult or high demand organization, The Phoenix Project, presented in cooperation with the International Cultic Studies Association, is pleased to invite you to participate in our next annual exhibit, scheduled for the last weekend of June 2008, at the ICSA Conference in Philadelphia, PA. This call for work is for those works of art that are related to the cult, or high demand organization experience.

    You are invited to submit proposals of your visual art, drama, dance, music, video, or literary works that illustrate the world of the cult survivor, including the previous (group) world, healing or recovery, or aspects of the time of transition from the cult or high-demand organization.

    Creations may be in any art form, including but not limited to: literary (such as poetry, drama, short story, or other writings), music of any kind, dance, and the visual arts (such as paintings, drawings, collage, sculpture, fiber arts, photography, film, video, or multi-media).

    If desired, this work may be presented anonymously, through another presenter.

    We hope that not only will this exhibit illuminate the reality of life in a high-demand organization or cult, and of its effects on individuals, but that it will provide an empowering experience for participating artists, who will have the opportunity to tell their own stories in their own ways.

    For more information, please e-mail Phoenix Project Director and Coordinator Diana Pletts at: [email protected]

    We look forward to considering your artwork for this event, and hope that you will consider working with us in this presentation of ex-cult member artwork.

    Please pass this announcement on. Thank you.


  • Bryan

    Thanks Blondie,

    I think this is a great opportunity for our artists here.

    If a moderator could check the posting info on my account I would appriciate it.



  • Sunspot

    This sounds like it could be quite fascinating! What a great opportunity to present a collage of all those "armageddon" drawings by WTS artists that showed how the "worldly people" will fare.

  • Quentin

    thanks Blondie

  • footstepfollower

    Wow this is awesome

  • Octarine Prince
    Octarine Prince

    Good lookin' out, Blondie

  • seven006
  • serendipity

    Seven was the first person I thought of when I read this. I hope he participates.


    Very cool - lots of talent here.

  • Abandoned

    Purps too.

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