The following is from The Watchtower, October 15 1966, page 613, “What Has God’s Kingdom Been Doing Since 1914?”
THE year 1914 is now more than fifty years in the past. Yet it lives in the memory of millions of people today living.
The first world war that began then and the train of events that has followed are part of the personal experience of those millions of living people. The year 1914 and what happened then is, for them, no mere human history that happened before their time. They have lived these things, they recall them, they can still tell about them to people born since.
These millions are part of a generation of mankind that is destined to see even more wonderful things, things that will finally spell out correctly, without any danger of being misread, the real meaning of what has happened and of what began back there in the unforgettable year 1914.
Not with any possibility of failure, the greatest prophet of all time said nineteen centuries ago: “This generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur.”—Matt. 24:34.