For 10 out of the 12 years we have attended conventions here in TN, we have gone to the Von Braun Civic Center in Huntsville, AL.
This past weekend I went on a bus with my husband and some friends to Huntsville to see the Sugarland concert. I was sitting at soundcheck on the same chairs we used for our convention, looking up at the same stairs, the same everything. And having major flashbacks of fighting with bored kids, trying to stay awake myself, everyone here knows. So I go back to the bus and have a drink and a little nookie with husband.
Time for Jake Owen to go on....I go in backstage and enter a new world! Then after another round on the bus come back in for Sugarland. I now have great new memories of Huntsville, AL. Loud music, lights, and dancing have replaced the old. Very theraputic. The after-party in the room that was once used for the prospective Bethelite meeting was fun. I danced and traded dirty jokes with my new gay friend "Brad from Minnesota" . We didn't leave until 3:00 AM. The whole time I am thinking of sharing this with ya'll, so here you go.
I now have to get the family ready for my husband's company's Christmas party. It's great out here in the world!!!