SHUNNING: How Jesus treated non-believers vs. how the WT treats them

by mcsemike 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • mcsemike

    I have a question. The WT insists that its members shun those who don't believe anymore and also to avoid those who don't believe but were never associated with JW's. Then why did Jesus spend half his life speaking to the Pharisees and non-Christian people he met on a daily basis? And more importantly, why is it okay for Jesus to have spoken directly to Satan?

    It's bad enough that the WT encourages shunning your own family and not to read anti-WT material that comes from other humans. But I wonder how the WT would view a JW who spent time talking with Satan, whether they were still in good standing or had been DF'd or DA'd? Isn't it far more dangerous and wicked for a "good" JW to talk to the "top demon" than to a parent or sibling?

    What does anyone think about this?

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    Much of the Watchtowers reasoning for the practice of disfellowshipping comes from a basic ignorance of what first century christianity really was. Leolaia made a great post dealing with a number of key texts:

    Don't get me wrong. I don't think that the Watchtower really cares what the history says. They like their policy because it helps them control the flock. The "Bible" has little to do with it.

  • SirNose586

    Well, obviously as the son of God archangel, Jesus was a lot stronger than just the average dub. When a regular stooge talks to a df'd person or reads a critical article about the Borganization, you see, the poisonous cancer-causing gangrene spreads rapidly. Soon they became bitter and evil 'poztates, fit only for destruction. Your little imperfect mind isn't strong enough to handle conflicting views!

    So follow Jesus--but not too closely, for your own good.

  • Cindi_67

    Go to this blog created by one member. I has a very interesting approach to your question.

  • alanv

    If you were to ask a witness the first question they would simply say that the scribes and pharisees had not embraced the 'truth' therefore it was right for Jesus to talk to them. He was'n't hob nobbing with people that were once his followers and then rejected him. That would be the witlesses answer anyway.

  • Frequent_Fader_Miles
    I don't think that the Watchtower really cares what the history says. They like their policy because it helps them control the flock. The "Bible" has little to do with it.

    I couldn't have said it better. If the Watchtower was truly concerned about history, issues as 607 and misquotations out of context would never arise. It's just a matter of twisting everything to their own advantage ... control, control, control.

  • mcsemike

    I read the suggested material. Thanks for the links. It gave me something to think about and to use in the future.

  • mcsemike

    Drew: I agree. Their beliefs/doctrines/policies become law because they don't know enough about the Bible to see for themselves what it says. Jesus warned about false teachers that claimed to come in his name but didn't do the right things. He said to avoid them. The Jews would have stoned them.

    I remember them saying way back that if you read the Bible and didn't look at the 7 volume Sin Sc, you were wasting your time, but if you read those 7 books of manure and didn't read the Bible, you'd know the truth.

    I never thought I'd see the day when ANY religion put its teachings above the Bible and still claim to be Christian. They all need years of therapy.

  • Elsewhere
    How Jesus treated non-believers vs. how the WT treats them

    (Luke 19:27) Moreover, these enemies of mine that did not want me to become king over them BRING here and slaughter them before me.

  • oompa

    need this,....jesus was not hanngin widhis homies....he was preaching to them, much like dubs do...My elder dad says Jesus way is better than the law, cause then you would help stone your own bad kid (yummy) therefor look how much better our way is....just not speaking to them. Now dont that want to make you back to meetings..........oompa

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